Item form

After an item is selected in the item list, the application opens the form of that item. The item form is divided into the following sections:

  • Item Image
  • Details
  • Flags
  • Stock Levels
  • Price Lists
  • Additional Information
  • Attachments
Item form

Item Image

The item form contains an item image.

Item image in application


Details section

The Details section of the item form contains the following information:

  • VAT rate
  • Tax classification
  • Default sales unit – selecting the  button displays all the defined sales units along with the item weight
Sales Units window


In Comarch ERP Enterprise, it is possible to assign flags to a given item. Currently, the flags available by default are:

  • New
  • Best seller
  • Free shipping
Flags on item form
Comarch ERP Enterprise users cannot create their own flags in the system. The available flags are not editable and are for information purposes only. For more details, see the article Assigning item flags in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

Stock Levels

Comarch Mobile allows you to preview the following stock levels:

  • In the Headquarters – the stock levels of all local warehouses assigned in profile configuration in Comarch Mobile Management

Selecting the button displays all your available warehouses along with their stock levels of a given item as defined in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

Stock Levels in the Headquarters window

Price Lists

Selecting the button in the Price Lists section displays all prices defined for a given item in Comarch ERP Enterprise.

All the prices on the item form are applicable for the default unit.

Price Lists window

Additional Information

The Additional Information section presents attributes imported from Comarch ERP Enterprise.

The application handles the following attribute types:

  • Text
  • URL
  • Number
  • Value list
  • Date

Attribute values are not editable and are for information purposes only.


The Attachments section of the item form displays all files imported from Comarch ERP Enterprise or added directly in Comarch Mobile.

Item attachments

In the attachment context menu, you can preview an attachment or set it as default.

Options in item attachment context menu

To add a new attachment, select the [Add Attachment] button in the bottom part of the Attachments section.

Adding attachment

Currently, file types that are allowed to be transferred between the mobile application and the ERP system are:

  • Photos: .jpg, .png and other
  • Other: .pdf, .txt, .doc, .docx
  • Recordings: .amr, .m4a, mp3
In the case of Samsung devices without a system audio recorder, you will need to download the Samsung Voice Recorder application using the official Samsung Galaxy Store for sound attachments to work properly.

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