Document numbering

Document Number in Headquarters field in sales order document in Comarch Mobile

The details of sales order and sales quote documents contain the field Document Number in Headquarters. When a document is being issued in Comarch Mobile, the field is not displayed. The application displays the field for:

  • Historical documents downloaded from the Headquarters
  • Documents issued in the application that have been synchronized in the Headquarters, where a number has been assigned to them, and which have been later exported using the Export sales documents application and synchronized in Comarch Mobile

The following scenarios can be distinguished:

1. A document issued in Comarch Mobile and not synchronized:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch Mobile
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field remains hidden

2. A document issued in Comarch Mobile and synchronized:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch Mobile
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise, provided it has been exported from the system and downloaded in Comarch Mobile

3. A document issued in Comarch ERP Enterprise, downloaded in Comarch Mobile:

  • The Sales Order field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise
  • The Document Number in Headquarters field displays a document number from Comarch ERP Enterprise

All document numbers in Comarch Mobile are unique and take the form of symbol-doc_nr/month/year/series, where:

For instance, the number of a document issued in Comarch Mobile may look as follows: SO-1/03/22/JSS.

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