
The [Actions] button in the main menu displays the detailed list of scheduled CRM actions: sales appointments, tasks, and contacts.

Actions (List view)

The application allows you to schedule, confirm, reject, and verify the status of CRM actions. The list of actions contains the following columns:

  • Name
  • Employee – it displays employees’ full names or acronyms if a full name is not given
  • Customer – it displays a customer’s name
  • Scheduled on – it displays scheduled appointment dates
  • Completed – it displays the actual appointment date
  • Action Type:
    • Appointment
    • Task
    • Contact
  • Status:
    • Unconfirmed
    • Confirmed
    • Completed – an appointment that has been finished and completed
    • Rejected – an appointment that has been finished but uncompleted or finished and rejected
    • Pending
    • Suspended

The list of actions may be filtered out using the following filters:

  • Search – it allows filtering the list by action name or the first or last name of an employee or customer
  • Region – it allows filtering the list by region to which assigned employees belong. The list of regions is displayed as a tree structure sorted alphabetically. You can narrow the list down to a specific region by typing its name in the Search field or by selecting regions and subregions on the displayed list.
Filtering by region

If a region contains subregions, the arrow is presented next to the region’s name, enabling you to expand the region structure. Selecting the  arrow collapses individual regions.

Filtering by region, expanding structure

Selecting a region on the list highlights it and activates the option [Save]. Selecting [Cancel] returns to the previous screen.

  • Status – it allows filtering the list by the status of CRM actions. Available statuses include: Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Completed, Rejected, Pending, and Suspended.
  • Action Type – it allows filtering the list by the type of CRM actions. Available options include: All, Appointments, Tasks, and Contacts.
  • Scheduled Date – it allows filtering the list by scheduled action date
  • Expected Date – it allows filtering the list by expected action date
Filtering by date

The list of actions may also be sorted ascending or descending by selecting a relevant arrow on the  button next to one of the list’s columns:

  • Name
  • Employee
  • Customer
  • Scheduled on
  • Completed
  • Action Type
  • Status

Action preview

The [Actions] screen makes it possible to preview an action, regardless of its status. Depending on the action type, the preview window displays different information.

Actions are completed in Comarch Mobile Sales application.

CRM action preview: task
CRM action preview: contact
CRM action preview: sales appointment

Action preview: Sales appointment

The appointment preview screen presents the appointment’s name and status, its scheduled date and time, a document number, the customer’s name and address (presented on a Google map), an appointment type and duration, and appointment elements.

In Comarch Mobile Management application, it is also possible to preview separate appointment elements.

Element completion: Travel

The preview of a Travel element displays the following information grouped into separate sections:

  • General – it displays information on the selected vehicle and travel type
  • Arrival – it displays information on the arrival address, date and time, and the current odometer reading (number of kilometers traveled)
  • Departure – it displays information on the departure address, date and time, and the initial odometer reading
  • Description – it displays the description entered for a given element
Element details: Travel

Element completion: Document registration

The preview of a Document element displays the following information grouped into separate sections:

  • Issued Documents – it displays information on documents registered by the employee in the course of a given appointment:
    • Document Code
    • Subtotal Value
    • Total Value
    • Total value of all documents
  • Description – it displays the description entered for a given element
Element details: Document registration

Selecting a document number displays the following information:

  • Document number
  • Document values: Subtotal and total
  • Customers:
    • Main:
      • Name
      • Address
      • Customer code
    • Payer:
      • Name
      • Address
      • Customer code
    • Secondary Customer:
      • Name
      • Address
      • Customer Code
  • Warehouse:
    • Name
    • Code
  • Cart:
    • Item: [Code] Name
    • Quantity and sales unit
    • Subtotal price
    • Total price
  • Trade information:
    • VAT Direction
    • Header Discount
    • Payment Form
    • Date of Issue
    • Due Date
    • Expected Date
Element details: Document registration, document preview

Element completion: Other

The preview of an element of the Other type displays the description of element completion entered by the mobile operator.

Element details: Other

Confirming and rejecting actions

You can confirm or reject a given action in one of the two ways:

  • In the preview of a given action ; additional options [Confirm] and [Reject] are available next to the action status
Confirming or rejecting action in action preview
  • On the list of actions; additional options [Confirm Actions] and [Reject Actions] are displayed after selecting the checkbox next to a given action
Confirming/rejecting actions on action list

Comarch Mobile Management application allows you to edit action statuses:

  • An unconfirmed action may be confirmed or rejected
  • A confirmed action may be rejected

Selecting the [Reject Actions] button displays a screen enabling you to enter a reason for action rejection and add a description.

Reason for action rejection

Selecting the arrow expands the list of reasons for rejection defined in directories (more information may be found in the Directories article).

Once the button [Confirm] is selected, the application presents the following notification in the bottom right corner of the screen: “Success! Rejected [number of appointments]“.

Notification confirming action rejection

Scheduling actions

The [Actions] screen in Comarch Mobile Management application allows you to schedule new actions. For more information about scheduling actions in Comarch Mobile Management, see the separate articles:

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