Contact persons in Comarch ERP Enterprise


The IBUS adapter allows you to synchronize customers between Comarch ERP Enterprise and Comarch Mobile. In addition, you can also synchronize information on added or deleted contact persons.

Before creating contact persons in CEE, configure positions in the Occupations application.

Occupations application

Creating a position

You can add a new position (occupation) in the Occupations application by selecting the button available in the application header.

Occupations application, adding a new position (occupation)

Selecting the button adds a new line item in the work pane. Here, you need to fill in the following fields:

  • Occupation
  • Description
Occupations application, adding a new position (occupation)

Data entered can be saved with the  button.

All changes need to be exported to Comarch Mobile with the use of the BUS Export masterdata or BUS Export data applications.

The  button is used to delete a selected position (occupation), as long as it has not been already assigned to a contact person.
If the button has been used for a given position (occupation), it means that the position is to be deleted and should no longer be used. A position (occupation) marked for deletion is not synchronized in Comarch Mobile anymore.

Adding a contact person

You can add a contact person in two ways:

1. Creating a new contact person directly on the customer form

A new contact person can be created in the Customers application (Customer view, Contact person tab).

Customers application, Customer view, Contact person tab

After selecting the  button in the work pane, once a new line item is displayed, select the button to open a separate window where you can create the new contact person. The following fields should be filled in:

  • Partner
  • Surname
Contact person window

In the Communication connections section, you can enter additional information: phone numbers, a URL address, and e-mail addresses assigned to the contact person. By default, Comarch Mobile displays contact details of the Business type (this setting may be changed in the Communication methods application).

Communication connections section with Business contact details assigned to contact person

Data entered can be saved with the  button and confirmed with the [Accept] button available in the window.
To update customer data, all changes need to be saved with the  button.

2. Adding an existing (previously added) contact person on the customer form

An existing contact person (e.g. an employee of another company) can be assigned to a given customer in the Customers application (Customer view, Contact person tab) if the Default extension has been selected.

Customers application, Customer view, Contact person tab

After selecting the  button, fill in the Partner field with information on a previously created contact person.

Customers application, Customer view, Contact person tab: Adding a contact person
It is also possible to search for contact persons. Selecting the button opens a new window where you can search relevant objects.

Find: Partner employee window

Changes made can be saved with the  button.

All changes need to be exported to Comarch Mobile with the use of the Export customers or BUS Export data applications.

More information on contact persons and instructions on how to add them may be found in the Contact person article on the Comarch ERP Enterprise Knowledge Base website.
When creating a contact person to be displayed in Comarch Mobile application, keep in mind the following information:

  • The scope of information about a contact person that is sent with the Preferred parameter is currently not supported in Comarch Mobile
  • Only those contact persons who have been assigned the Sales classification are sent to Comarch Mobile
  • Each contact person imported from Comarch Mobile is assigned the Sales classification
  • Each new contact person imported from Comarch Mobile is saved as an employee of a given organization

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