Customer list

When you tap the Customers icon, a window is displayed that contains the following tabs:

  • All
  • Favorite
  • Top Customers
  • Recent Transactions
  • Contact Persons

For more information, see the Tabs article.

Customers section, detailed view

On each tab, you can:

  • Search for customers by using the search bar. To display the bar, tap the  icon in the top right corner of the screen.
Search bar
  • Sort the customer list by name or code, either ascending or descending. To do so, tap the  icon in the top left corner:
Selecting sorting option
  • Add a new customer in the application. To do so, tap the  icon in the bottom right corner. For more details, see the article Adding a new customer.
  • Complete additional actions related to a specific customer by selecting the  button
Customer menu options

Customer list view settings

You can adjust the view of the customer list in MoreSettings Customer List SettingsCustomer List View. For more details, see the article Application Parameters section.

Customer list view settings

The basic view of the customer list contains:

  • Customer icon
  • Customer code and name
  • Customer address
  • TIN
Basic customer list

The compact view of the customer list contains:

  • Customer code and name
  • Customer address
Compact customer list

The detailed view of the customer list contains:

  • Customer icon
  • Customer code and name
  • Address
  • TIN
  • Phone
  • E-mail address
Detailed customer list

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