Default profiles

Comarch Mobile Management provides default system profiles that can be used when adding new users. Each of the system profiles is assigned specific permissions that cannot be modified. In case other permissions should be assigned, add a new profile according to instructions in the article Step 3 – Adding a profile and user in Comarch Mobile Management.

Default system profiles include:

  • Administrator – it provides full access to all application modules
  • Manager – it provides full access to all application modules except for the Configuration module
  • Employee:
    • Actions – it provides access to user actions, enabling users to add appointments; appointments cannot be confirmed and rejected
    • Regions – it provides access to user regions; regions cannot be modified
    • Routes – it provides access to user routes, enabling users to copy routes and save route templates
    • Employees – it provides access to employees from user regions
    • Customers – it provides access to customers from user regions
    • Sales Plans – it provides access to sales plans from user regions; sales plans cannot be modified, confirmed, or closed
    • Reports – it provides access to reports from user regions
    • Route Templates – it provides access to user route templates; route templates cannot be modified
    • Appointment Templates – no access
    • Template Elements – no access
    • Directories – no access
    • Vehicles – it provides access to user vehicles; vehicles cannot be modified
    • Configuration – no access
    • Access to all information on Start screen – no access to all information. Information displayed concern user regions only.

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