Rules of working with Comarch Mobile application

It is forbidden for the user to log in on a device and perform synchronization (e.g. for testing purposes) if that user is simultaneously working in a production environment on another device. Initiating synchronization in an empty mobile database will result in clearing relevant fields and mappings in Comarch ERP system, which will cause numerous problems in the operator’s production environment (problems with adding new customers, incorrect processing of orders).

Generating a new database on a device

In order to generate a database anew, it is necessary to:

  • Delete a mobile database stored within the device’s internal memory in the Documents directory (database name: db_c.db; the database can be divided into several files, e.g. data_c.db, data_c.db_shm, data_c.db-wal – delete all of them). As soon as the mobile database is deleted, all data will be lost.
  • Force the shutdown of Comarch Mobile application in the application management settings ([Force stop] option in app settings for Comarch Mobile)
  • You can also force the shutdown by reinstalling the application. To do so, run and install the Vendor.Core.apk file.
  • Run Comarch Mobile Sales application and perform the first synchronization

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