Sales appointment element – Questionnaire

The appointment element Questionnaire is handled by completing a questionnaire defined in Comarch Mobile Management. To learn more about configuring questionnaires, see the article Questionnaire definitions.

If more than one questionnaire is defined as part of an appointment element of the Questionnaire type, a window with a list of questionnaires available within the element will be displayed during the completion of that element.

List of available questionnaires

After selecting a specific questionnaire, the list of questions defined within that questionnaire is displayed.

Questions defined in questionnaire

In Comarch Mobile Management, it is possible to define questionnaires with single-choice, multiple-choice, and open questions.

Single-choice questions
Multiple-choice question
Open questions

Required questionnaires and questions in a sales appointment

If a questionnaire is marked as a required appointment element in Comarch Mobile Management, it is marked with a blue frame in Comarch Mobile.

Required questionnaire

If a question is marked as required in a questionnaire definition, it is marked with a red star in Comarch Mobile.

Required question

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