Sales quote

In Comarch Mobile Sales, you can register sales quote documents, as well as preview quote documents downloaded from the Headquarters. For instructions on document registration, see the Document registration article.

In a new document, you need to select a customer for whom the document should be issued. To do so, tap the [Select Customer] button. After selecting a customer from the list, you can add document items and payment and processing information. The item cart allows you to add items that are either in or out of stock. The application does not control stock levels.

Sales quote registration
Sales quote registered and confirmed in Comarch Mobile Sales
Sales quote downloaded from Headquarters

Until you perform synchronization with the ERP system, you can edit a confirmed document using the  button. Once synchronized, documents cannot be edited.

The History tab contains document history.

History tab
When a document is being issued in Comarch Mobile, the field Document Number in Headquarters is not displayed. The field appears for:

  • Historical documents downloaded from the Headquarters
  • Documents issued in the application that have been synchronized in the Headquarters, where a number has been assigned to them, and which have been later exported using the Export sales documents application and synchronized in Comarch Mobile

For more information on document numbering, see the article Document numbering.

When a document is being issued in Comarch Mobile, the field Discount is displayed in document details. The field does not appear for:

  • Historical documents downloaded from the Headquarters
  • Documents issued in the application that have been synchronized in the Headquarters, where a number has been assigned to them, and which have been later exported using the Export sales documents application and synchronized in Comarch Mobile

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