SKU sales report

The SKU sales report displays the summary of item sales broken down into item units, based on documents available in the application. The report presents data for documents both issued in the application and downloaded from the ERP system. To generate the report, you need to specify:

  • Date – specify a period for which you want to display data
Report parameters

The report is divided into two sections. The first section of the report contains:

  • Period – the date range you selected in the previous step for which data is displayed

The Summary section contains:

  • Quantity – the number of sold item units
  • UOM – item unit of measure
  • Value – the subtotal and total value of items in a given unit based on documents issued over the specified period

The Items section contains:

  • Name – item code and name
  • Quantity – the quantity of items sold in a given unit
  • UOM – item unit of measure
  • Value – the subtotal and total value of an item in a given unit based on documents issued over the specified period
Example of SKU sales report

Tapping a report item displays a new window with data concerning that item.

Report item details

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