Template elements

To configure appointment elements, select [Appointment] and then [Template Elements] from the main menu.

The [Template Elements] tab contains the list of all appointment elements defined and displays the following details:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Additional Info – element description
  • Required – it specifies whether a given element will be required when completing an appointment
  • Context menu available for each element. The menu contains the following options:
    • Edit – it enables you to edit an appointment template element
    • Copy – it enables you to copy an appointment template element
    • Delete – it enables you to delete an appointment template element provided it has not been added to a template
List of template elements

The list of template elements may be filtered out by providing an element name in the Search Elements field.

The [+ New Element] option in the top right corner enables you to create a new element. The current version of Comarch Mobile Management makes it possible to add three types of elements: Document, Travel, and Other.

Create New Element screen

Document Registration element type

Selecting the element button [Document] displays a new window presented below.

Creating new Document template element

The Element Parameters section contains the following information:

  • Element Name
  • Required – if the parameter is selected, a given element will need to be completed in order to finish the appointment
  • Active – a toggle switch specifying whether a given element is to be active
  • Document Types – it makes it possible to select documents which should be created during the appointment. Available options include:
    • Sales order
    • Sales quote
  • Element Description – providing an element description is optional. Its content will be displayed on the list of template elements.

Travel element type

Selecting the element button [Travel] displays a new window presented below.

Creating new Travel template element

The Element Parameters section contains the following information:

  • Element Name
  • Required – if the parameter is selected, a given element will need to be completed in order to finish the appointment
  • Active – a toggle switch specifying whether a given element is to be active
  • Element Description – providing an element description is optional. Its content will be displayed on the list of template elements.

Other element type

Selecting the element button [Other] displays a new window presented below.

Creating new Other template element

The Element Parameters section contains the following information:

  • Element Name
  • Required – if the parameter is selected, a given element will need to be completed in order to finish the appointment
  • Active – a toggle switch specifying whether a given element is to be active
  • Element Description – providing an element description is optional. Its content will be displayed on the list of template elements.


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