
The Settings view makes it possible to preview and modify settings configured upon the first startup of the application, as well as to modify other features.

The view is divided into the following sections:

  • Configuration
    • POS Code – the code of a POS workstation
    • Animations – it enables the user to choose whether transitions between screens should be animated
  • Skin
    • Theme – it allows changing the application’s layout theme
  • Document
    • Swipe to Delete – it allows the user to determine whether the gesture of swiping a document item to the screen’s edge should delete the item from the document
  • Database
    • Create Database Backup – it allows the creation of a database backup copy. By default, the copy is saved in the mPOS directory on the device.
  • DataService
    • Save Swap Files – it allows the user to determine whether swap files related to data exchange between the application and the ERP system should be saved on the device. The feature is useful upon the verification of potential errors.
    • The remaining options make it possible to specify the host and port of the DataService data exchange service
  • BackOfficeService – the options allow the user to specify the host and port of the BackOfficeService data exchange service
  • Auto Update
    • AgentCode – a child agent’s code
    • ProfileCode – an Auto Update agent’s profile code
    • BrokerHost – Broker’s network address
    • BrokerPort – Broker’s network address port
    • AgentHost – a parent agent’s network address
    • AgentPort – a parent agent’s network address port

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