
In order to process an item release, it is necessary to select [Back Office] → [Releases]. The Releases view contains two buttons:

  • [Shipment Preparation] – on the basis of an internal order
  • [Package Registry] – the list of packages

In the Releases view, it is necessary to select [Shipment Preparation] → [Based on Received Orders] → [Packaging].

The order list displayed by the application is divided into the following tabs:

  • Active – orders to be processed
  • Completed – processed orders

The top right corner of the view contains filters with the following options available:

  • Sort By:
    • Number: A-Z
    • Number: Z-A
    • Source Warehouse: A-Z
    • Source Warehouse: Z-A
  • Status:
    • All
    • Pending
  • Source Warehouse

Additionally, the view contains the search field.

Once an active order is selected, the application displays a summary presenting how many items have already been packed and how many of them still need to be packaged. The button [Start Packing] takes the user to the list of packages created for the needs of the order and items waiting to be packaged.

At this stage, it is possible to edit and cancel already created packages and pack subsequent items creating a new package. The new package window contains the list of all items for which it is possible to define released quantities.

The button [Next] once again takes the user to the window with packaged items statistics, while selecting the [Confirm] button confirms the created packages and moves the internal order document to the list of completed documents. The generated packages will then be available in Package Registry.

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