Trade documents

Selecting the [Trade Documents] button in the Start or Sales views displays the list of trade documents.

The list contains the standard search field enabling the user to search documents by number and UPC number.
The filter button in the top right corner makes it possible to:

  • Sort by:
    • Date of Issue: Newest first
    • Date of Issue: Oldest first
  • Filter by:
    • Value (within a range)
    • Date of Issue (within a range)
    • Type:
      • Confirmed
      • Printed on Receipt Printer
Trade document filters

The list of documents is composed of items with the following information:

  • Status
  • Document number
  • UPC number
  • Creation date
  • Value
List of trade documents

The bottom right corner contains the [+ New Receipt] button, allowing the user to begin a new sales process.

Czy ten artykuł był pomocny?