New functionalities in version 2022.1

Inventory count process – Discrepancy view (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

In the new version of Comarch mPOS application, the logic of the discrepancy calculation has been modified. It is now based on the correctly calculated system quantity, taking shortages into account. A discrepancy is detected when the system quantity of an item (quantity – shortages) is different from the reported quantity.

Expected quantity in a dedicated warehouse upon a delivery receipt (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

In response to client requirements, the process of receiving deliveries has been improved. New fields have been added, informing the user about the expected quantity of a selected item in a given warehouse, which makes it possible to place items in a more organized manner.

For each delivery item, an expected quantity is compared with the item’s quantity in stock. If the expected quantity is greater than the quantity in stock, a shopping cart icon is displayed next to the item to inform the user about it

As items are scanned upon a delivery receipt, a warning sound is played for items that need to be replenished and the following notification is displayed: “Not enough items on the shelves. Please replenish the resources in the store”; the notification informs the user that it is necessary to replenish item resources.

The following changes have been made in the Package Receipt window:

  • To Be Replenished field – it indicates a specific item quantity that should be replenished in a given warehouse
  • Shopping cart icon – it indicates that there are items to be replenished in a given warehouse

Continuing parked locked documents (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

In previous versions of the application, documents located in the parking lot have been locked with no possibility to continue them on another workstation, to prevent editing a single document on several workstations simultaneously. In the new version, it is possible to continue documents originating from different workstations that are stored in the parking lot. To prevent a case where the same document can be edited on several workstations, the original parked document is not edited – the application retrieves the data of the parked document and creates its copy.

Continued documents are saved in the parking lot automatically (by default every 1 minute) so that the user does not lose the effects of their work, for example if the battery of the device with Comarch mPOS application is discharged.

However, to allow the continuation of documents from the parking lot on another workstation in the case where it is not possible on the workstation from which the documents originate (e.g. when a battery is discharged or a device is irreparably damaged), users can be given the permission Can continue parked locked documents in the Comarch Retail POS operator rights application in Comarch ERP Enterprise system.

Validation of the number of a new lot created on the mPOS workstation (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

In order to avoid problems that may arise from incorrectly created numbers for new lots added in Comarch mPOS application, it is now possible to validate the entered lot numbers.

To prevent a situation where there are two lots with the same number differing only in casing, a new field Batches: Convert lot number letters case has been added in the Customizing application (Comarch Retail POS function), containing the following options:

  • To upper case
  • To lower case
  • No conversion

An option selected in this field is synchronized to all devices with Comarch mPOS application. Depending on the option, all letters are converted to lowercase, uppercase, or left as entered by the user.

It is now also possible to define characters to be used when creating a new lot number and the allowable length of the number. This eliminates the risk of creating a lot number that contains characters not supported by the ERP system or that is of a wrong length.

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