Searching and filtering data in document lists

The upper part of the object list views (e.g. the list of trade documents or items) contains a text filter field, allowing the user to search a specific object.

Text filter field on item list

The text filter:

  • Ignores the case
  • Displays results containing an entered phrase
The operator enters the phrase choco in the item list’s text filter field. Search results include items with the following names:

  • chocolate
  • chocolate 3
  • chocolate 4
  • chocolate 6

Search results for phrase entered in text filter

The upper part of the document list view contains options allowing the user to narrow down and sort results. The triangle icon makes it possible to open the Filters view, which, depending on the list, enables the user to:

  • Define a sorting method – for instance, Date of Issue: Newest first or Oldest first;
  • Define a target warehouse
  • Define a range for documents’ dates of issue
  • Sort results by document type – options available in the list of warehouse receipts:
    • WM-
    • PO
    • POR
  • Select statuses to narrow down search results; available options include:
    • Canceled
    • Confirmed
    • Unconfirmed
    • Confirmed Quantity Total
    • Pending
    • Completed
    • Closed

Defined filters may be cleared with the use of the button [Clear Filters] located in the top right corner of the Filters view.

Sample filters

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