New document

In order to add a new receipt (R) document, it is necessary to select the [New Document] button. The button is available in:

  • The main application view (Sales section)
[New Document] button in application main view
  • The side menu ([Sales] button)

[Sales] button in side menu
The New Receipt view displays the “Start scanning the items” notification in the center. Next, this place presents the list of added items.

New receipt view

The bottom part of the view contains information on the amount due and the [Pay] button.

The upwards arrow enables you to display the document summary:

  • Total
  • Discount
  • Mark-up
  • Total quantity
Receipt summary

Items may be added to a receipt with the use of:

  • A physical scanner if the device is equipped with one
  • A camera scanner – opened by the barcode icon in the top right corner. Using the camera scanner requires a permission for Comarch mPOS to access the camera.

Once an item is added, it is presented with the following details:

  • Image
  • Name
  • UPC code
  • Unit of measure
  • Price
New Receipt view

When item details are expanded, the application also presents an item quantity, which can be increased or decreased using the plus and minus buttons.

An item may be deleted using the red recycle bin button.

The pencil button allows you to edit an item, opening the Item Details view.

The Item Details view contains:

  • Item image browser – you can scroll through the images by pressing the arrows. If no image is attached to an item, the application presents a white background.
  • Item name
  • Expandable section Price – it presents a regular and discounted price
  • Expandable section Value – it presents a regular and discounted value

The bottom part of the view contains the button [Save Changes], enabling you to save changes made and return to the previous view.

Item Details view

To return, you can also select the arrow in the top left corner.

The recycle bin button in the top right corner of the Item Details view deletes a given item from the receipt.

The bottom right corner of the New Receipt window contains the [Pay] button, which allows you to continue the purchasing process. After you select the button, the Payment view is opened.

The Payment view presents an amount due and the receipt’s value. Selecting [Confirm] continues the payment process. After selecting the button, the payment starts to be processed; if it is completed successfully, the receipt is printed out.

Payment view

If the payment cannot be confirmed, the application displays an error notification and asks you to confirm the document. Selecting the [Confirm] button opens the Trade Documents view containing the new receipt.

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