
The Items view displays the list of items available in the application. Information displayed on the list contains:

  • Image thumbnail (if added)
  • Item name
  • Item ID (according to the ERP system)
  • UPC code
  • Features
  • Price

[Items] button in mPOS main view
In the ERP system, the Skip downloading pictures parameter can be used to deactivate the synchronization of images if they do not need to be displayed in the interface. Thanks to that, the capacity occupied by item images in Comarch mPOS is reduced. The parameter is available in the application Comarch Retail POS terminals → POS User interface tab → Items section.

Skip downloading pictures parameter in Comarch Retail POS terminals application

The upper part of the view includes the bar Search which makes it possible to narrow down the item list according to a phrase entered. The search field takes into account all the item information mentioned above.

Item list

The application makes it possible to display multi-value attributes for items.

The item list is also available in the side menu.

[Items] button in side menu

Preview of the item form

The preview of item details is available on the mPOS workstation in both the tablet and smartphone modes.

An item form may be previewed in Start Items or from a document form; for instance, when creating a sales quote, the operator can select a relevant item label.

Preview of item details

The item form preview window displays:

  • Item name
  • UPC code
  • Image
  • Description
  • Groups tab – it presents an item category with its assigned subordinate groups and a path, e.g. Prepared productsSweetbreads
  • Properties tab – it presents such details as a VAT rate and item type, e.g. Item, Service
  • Price Lists tab – it presents price lists to which a given item has been assigned
  • Resources tab – it presents an available item quantity
  • Related Items tab – it presents related items of the following types: Alternative, Cross sell, Upsell, Accessory
  • Set Elements tab – it is displayed only for items of the Set type
The application only handles items of the Set type that retrieve their elements into documents.

Groups tab

Groups tab

The Groups tab presents item groups to which a given item belongs. The list of groups contains the following information:

  • Group
  • Category
  • Path – it determines the location of an item group in the item group classification category tree

Properties tab

Properties tab

The Properties tab presents:

  • VAT Rate
  • Item Type Item, Service, Set, Voucher
  • Values of item characteristics – for instance, a trade number
  • Reverse Charge – it indicates whether a given item is subject to the reverse charge procedure
  • Item attribute values

Price Lists tab

The Price Lists tab contains the following columns:

  • Price List – it displays the name of a price list from which a given price has been retrieved
  • Price Type
  • Unit
  • Subtotal Price
  • Total Price
  • Currency

Resources tab

Resources tab

The Resources tab contains the following columns:

  • Warehouse – it displays the name of an active warehouse available within a given sales channel
  • Quantity
  • Reservations
  • Shortages
  • Available Quantity – it displays an item quantity, taking reservations into account

Also, the Resources tab contains the button [Show Lot Details]. Selecting the button opens a view providing detailed information on separate item lots.

The Related Items tab is available if a given item has at least one related item. The list of related items is composed of the following columns:

  • Name
  • Relation Type – available options include:
    • Alternative
    • Accessory
    • Cross sell
    • Upsell
  • Item Group – it displays a predefined item group from the ERP system
  • Base Price – a total price

Set Elements tab

The Set Elements tab presents information on items that make up a set.

  • Image
  • Name
  • Item TypeItem, Service, Set, Voucher
  • Price List – it displays the name of a price list from which a given price has been retrieved
  • Price Type
  • Subtotal Price
  • Total Price
  • Currency
  • VAT Rate
  • Quantity

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