Request to replace a database from a shared backup

The request to replace the active database from the backup should be made via the WWW Platform. After logging in on the user account with administrator privileges in the Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard system, select the Bazy danychDodaj tab, then select the Zastąp bazę danych z kopii zapasowej” option. The application must be completed and approved as required, and the database backup file (only in .bac or .bak format, or .zip archive) should be made available in the Comarch IBARD service or via a direct link (with no registration / login requirement) to the file in another virtual disk service.

The database file must be made available before submitting the application from the level of the WWW Platform. Lack of correct sharing or other inconsistencies will result in rejection of the application. The reason for the rejection can be seen in the Bazy danychHistoria zgłoszeń tab.
Detailed instructions on sharing the file can be found in the bulletin: Instructions for sharing the database in the Comarch IBARD service. The backup copy of the database is connected by the Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard assistant during the assistant’s work.

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