Modification of address data

Modification of the address data takes place after logging into the Individual Customer Pages. When visiting this website for the first time, it is necessary to create an account for the indicated entity. Necessary information, that is ID and PIN, are sent with the activation message after placing the order.

The company data for which invoices are issued are also visible after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform in the MOJE KONTO – DANE FIRMY tab.


E-invoice activation

The e-invoice is activated after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform

Consent to receive invoices electronically can be expressed through the MOJE KONTOPŁATNOŚCI I FAKTURY tab. At this point, you should also indicate to which e-mail address the e-invoices should be delivered.

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Receiving invoices for services

Receiving invoices for services depends on the form chosen by the customer.

Invoices for access to Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard are issued in arrears, on the first working day of the calendar month following the month for which the invoice is issued.

If consent is given to receive electronic invoices, it will be available for download in the form of a PDF file on the WWW Platform and sent to the e-mail address provided. The invoice panel is available only to a user with administrator rights, in the MOJE KONTOPŁATNOŚCI I FAKTURY tab. By selecting this access path, you can also change the e-mail address for shipping accounting documents.

If consent has not been given, the invoice will be sent by traditional mail.

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Adding a new user

Adding a new user takes place after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform

In order to add a user, select the UŻYTKOWNICYDODAJ tab, and then fill in the user data and indicate the modules to be used by the user, the process is approved after accepting the regulations and agreeing to the costs related to adding new modules, and selecting the Dodaj button.

Request to add/remove modules

The request for adding/removing modules takes place after logging into the account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform.

In order to add a new module to an existing user, select the UŻYTKOWNICYZARZĄDZAJEDYTUJ MODUŁY tab. Then, for the selected user, select the appropriate module and accept the changes by clicking on Zatwierdź edycję modułów.

In the case of resignation from modules, uncheck the element to be removed and select Zatwierdź edycję modułów and then save the changes.

The modules: Cash, Bank and Invoices cannot exist independently on a specific user, it requires ordering any other module (eg CRM Plus or Revenue and Expense Ledger).

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

The resignation from the modules takes effect at the end of the following calendar month upon request.

Switching module to another user

Switching module to another user takes place after logging into an account with administrator privileges on the WWW Platform

In order to switch the module to another user, select the UŻYTKOWNICYZARZĄDZAJEDYTUJ MODUŁY tab, click the user name and deselect the module that has to be switched, then select this module on the target user. By selecting Approve editing of modules and confirming the changes made, accept the choice with Apply button.

In order to replace the module to a new user, select the UŻYTKOWNICYZARZĄDZAJEDYTUJ MODUŁY tab, click on the user name and deselect the module that is switched. By selecting Approve editing of modules, and selecting the Move deleted modules to a new user option and filling in the data for him, finish the action by selecting Apply.

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Request for user deletion

The request for removal of the user takes place after logging in to the account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform.

In order to mark your resignation, go to the UŻYTKOWNICY ZARZĄDZAJ subpage, where you can see a list of active users by selecting the Usuń użytkowników button. On the right, next to each of the logins, there is a box that should be marked when resigning. Confirming the changes is done by selecting: Zgłoś konta do usunięcia button.

The resignation from the users takes effect at the end of the following calendar month upon request.

In order to terminate the entire contract – all registered users, the customer should send Comarch an appropriate statement in writing, or else it is null and void. A form of termination can be obtained after sending the information to the address

Contract is terminated with a two-month notice period, effective at the end of the calendar month.

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Order/resignation of Comarch HRM and Comarch Mobile (Sprzedaż, Zarządzanie, Monitorowanie)

Adding and removing mobile modules (Mobile Sprzedaż, Mobile Zarządzanie, Mobile Monitorowanie) and Comarch HRM is possible from the WWW Platform.

In order to add mobile modules and Comarch HRM, go to the BAZY DANYCHZARZĄDZAJ subpage, and then click on the arrow in the Dodatkowe usługi column by the appropriate database. A list of additional modules will be made available.

When ordering a module, mark a „box” next to the appropriate element or by entering the number of licenses to be ordered, acceptance is done by clicking the Zatwierdź button. In the next step, a summary will be presented, if everything is correct, click Zatwierdź.

The resignation from modules is done in the same way as in the case of adding modules, only in this case you should uncheck the appropriate window assigned to the elements that you want to disable.

Modules are switched off with effect at the end of the next calendar month after the relevant declaration is submitted.


  • The Comarch HRM module requires the Payroll and HR Plus module.
  • The Comarch Sprzedaż and Monitorowanie module requires at least one Cash / Bank and Trade Plus modules
  • The Comarch Mobile Monitorowanie module requires the Comarch Mobile Sprzedaż module for each Comarch Mobile Monitorowanie module

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Order/resignation of Comarch PPK, Comarch e-Sprawozdania, Comarch ERP Opis Analityczny, Comarch DMS

Ordering and removing Comarch PPK, Comarch e-Sprawozdania, Comarch ERP Opis Analityczny and Comarch DMS modules is done after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform

In order to add modules, select the UŻYTKOWNICYMODUŁY FIRMOWE tab. On the visible subpage, it will be possible to order Comarch PPK, Comarch e-Sprawozdania, Comarch ERP Opis Analityczny and Comarch DMS modules.

The Comarch PPK module requires at least one Comarch ERP Optima Payroll and HR Plus module.

The Comarch e-Sprawozdania module requires at least one Comarch ERP Optima Accounting Records Plus module.

Resignation from the indicated components takes place via the same access path, this time, however, by deselecting the module and confirming the change.

The resignation from the modules takes effect at the end of the following calendar month upon request.

This feature is unavailable during the trial period of the program.

Providing access to a database for an accounting office

The database can be made available for the accounting office after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform

In order to grant access to the accounting office to be served by the entity, go to the BAZY DANYCHDOSTĘP DLA BR tab, then select the office from the drop-down list, and if it is not available on the list, search for it by entering the code and NIP number of the office – these data should be obtained directly from the accounting office with which the cooperation is undertaken.

Acceptance of the database provided by the customer of the accounting office

Acceptance of the database provided by the customer of the accounting office takes place after logging into an account with administrator rights on the WWW Platform

In order to approve access for an accounting office, select the BAZY DANYCHKLIENCI tab and select the option next to the appropriate client awaiting authorization and click Zatwierdź. To resign from servicing a choosen company, check the box next to the appropriate client and select the Zrezygnuj option.

Migration from the Comarch ERP XT system to Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard

To transfer data from the Comarch ERP XT system to the Comarch ERP Optima system, select the „Moje konto” tab in the upper right corner from the drop-down list.

Then switch the view to the „Zarządzaj kontem” tab. After performing the above action, you will be able to send a request for data access to the Comarch ERP Optima system.

After performing the above operation, a message will be displayed in the upper right corner that the request for data has been successfully sent.

Within three business days of generating the request, you will receive an e-mail from our consultant who will provide the database or send further instructions if additional formalities need to be completed.

The database generated from Comarch ERP XT can be imported to Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard after ordering and activation of this service. If you do not have access to this system yet, you can order via the form on the website

Within two business days of completing the order form, you will receive an activation e-mail with the login details for the service, which will also be a confirmation of the contract. The agreement is concluded for an indefinite period with a two-month notice period, effective at the end of a calendar month.

After activating the service, the database generated from Comarch ERP XT can be imported to Comarch ERP Optima as described here»

Ordering Comarch OCR

Comarch OCR is a service that allows you to read a image/scan of an invoice and enter the document into the purchase VAT register in Comarch ERP Optima.

Thanks to the Comarch OCR solution, you do not need to waste hours on tedious rewriting of paper invoices and entering them into the system. This is done by the program, thanks to which the saved time can be used for other tasks.

The Comarch OCR service can be started by selecting the VAT Registers tab in Comarch ERP Optima, and then clicking the OCR button. Each customer can test the service free of charge by reading 50 pages of invoices.

The Comarch OCR service is ordered through the Comarch Store. Go to,2,16251 and then select the package you are interested in and purchase it.

After the order has been completed, the package will be automatically assigned to your Comarch ERP Optima system.

The Comarch OCR service price list is available here»

The terms and conditions of the service are available here»

Increasing the disk space for binary data

The default limit for binary data in Comarch ERP Optima Chmura Standard is 2 GB for each database in the system. Binary data is all kinds of e-mail messages, files or images saved on the system. Information on the currently used limit for binary data can be checked in Comarch ERP Optima in the HelpAbout the ProgramTechnical Information tab.

Increasing the disk space for binary data involves a fee of 10 PLN net / month for 1 GB of additional space.

Additional space for binary data can be ordered via e-mail at

In the text of the order, please provide the NIP (tax identification number), company code and the number of GB of space ordered.