Delivery receipt

Depending on whether the handling of waybills has been enabled in the ERP system, the tile [Back Office] → [Delivery Receipt] contains either the list of warehouse movements or waybills – grouping all warehouse movements sent with a single delivery.

[Delivery Receipt] tile

Disabled handling of waybills

The Delivery Receipt window by default presents the list of WM- documents waiting to be received, sent from an external warehouse unavailable on a given POS workstation.

On the list of delivery receipts, it is possible to:

  • Preview a WM- document by selecting the button [Preview]
  • Take receipt of a delivery by selecting the button [Take Receipt]
  • Open the list of unconfirmed documents by selecting the button [P]

Enabled handling of waybills

The Delivery Receipt window presents waybills waiting to be received.

After receiving a delivery, a waybill may be immediately tagged as delivered, indicating that the delivery has reached the shop, or the user may select the button [Take Receipt] and start the process of receiving packages.

The window Waybill Receipt presents the list of WM- documents (packages) included as part of the waybill, together with information on their barcodes and statuses.

The Waybill Receipt window makes it possible to:

  • Preview the status of collected and received packages included as part of the waybill
  • Scan the packages’ UPC codes in order to tag them as delivered
  • Manually change the status of each package by using the list of available statuses displayed after selecting the button [Change Status]
  • Take receipt of all items with quantities defined in the system by selecting the button [Take Receipt of All Packages]
  • Preview any WM- document included as part of the waybill by selecting the button [Preview]
  • Begin the process of receiving each package separately or select several packages and receive them in a single batch by selecting the button [Take Receipt]
  • Suspend the waybill receipt process by selecting the button [Park], allowing the user to edit the waybill later on the same or another workstation
  • Take receipt of an unexpected package included as part of another delivery

In the ERP system, it is possible to select a parameter enabling the automatic generation of IR+/IR- documents performed immediately after the confirmation of a document receipt in case there are discrepancies related to delivered items.

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