Resource corrections

The feature of resource correction enables the user to manually update stock levels using an internal release (IR-) and internal receipt (IR+). For instance, a resource correction handled with the use of IR- and IR+ documents may be applied in the cases where:

  • An item is broken
  • Empty packaging boxes are found
  • An item is stolen
  • Stock levels need to be corrected
  • Item/package deliveries need to be corrected

In order to issue an appropriate IR- or IR+ document, it is necessary to select the tile [Back Office] in the main menu and then select [Resource Corrections].

[Resource Corrections] tile
The Resource Corrections window presents the list of all IR- and IR+ documents.

List of IR- and IR+ documents in Resource Corrections window

The application displays IR- and IR+ documents which:

  • Have been issued for a warehouse available on a given workstation
  • Have been issued on that workstation or have already been synchronized on it

In the ERP system, it is possible to specify a date range within which IR- and IR+ documents should be synchronized.

In order to issue a new correction, it is necessary to select the button [New Resource Correction] and choose relevant document type.

[New Resource Correction] button
A new IR- or IR+ document can also be created in the item preview window.

[New Resource Correction] button in item preview window
When adding a new IR- or IR+ document, it is necessary to select a warehouse within which resources are to be corrected and a reason for issuing the document. The list of possible reasons can be defined in the ERP system.

New internal receipt


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