Availability of functions depending on the online/offline mode

While working in the online mode, the data synchronization service used to exchange data between the POS workstation and the ERP system is running. It is also possible to use the application offline, with the data synchronization service disabled. The table below presents differences in the availability of application features on the POS workstation depending on the work mode.

Availability of functionalities depending on the application’s work mode
Synchronization & data update AvailableUnavailable
Handling of payment forms of Voucher type Available Unavailable
Credit limit AvailableUnavailable after a specified period of time
Preview of item resources in warehouses of other centersAvailableUnavailable
Handling of sales orders online AvailableFollowing actions are unavailable for SO synchronized by ERP system:

  • Changing status

  • Opening

  • Closing

  • Canceling

  • Generating associated documents (SI, R)

Parking lot AvailableUnavailable. Unconfirmed documents are saved locally on POS workstation
Processing of WM- document in POS AvailableUnavailable if WM- document has not been imported on POS workstation
Advance invoices AvailableAdvance generated for SO document will not be deducted nor associated with sales order
Searching documents globally AvailableDocuments from other centers (POS workstations, ERP system) are unavailable
Searching documents locally AvailableDocuments from other POS workstations (and ones issued in ERP system) within a given center are unavailable
Tax free AvailableImpossible to generate tax free documents for receipts imported by ERP system
Searching customers online AvailableUnavailable
Transaction history AvailableUnavailable
Discount coupons AvailableLimited
Loyalty card AvailableLimited

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