The Back Office menu allows the user to handle warehouse documents on the POS workstation.
- [Delivery Receipt] – depending on configuration in the ERP system, this tile opens the list of waybills or WM- documents waiting to be received
- [Internal Movements] – it allows the handling of movements between warehouses assigned to a given center/company
- [Stock Reconciliation] – it allows the execution of a stock reconciliation process according to information on stock levels available in the ERP system
- [Item Release] – it allows the user to:
- Prepare a shipment
- Generate waybills
- Pass packages to a courier
- Check the package registry
- [Resource Correction] – it opens the list of IR+ and IR- documents and allows the user to correct stock levels with the use of these documents
- [Label Update] – it enables the user to preview the status of a label update process executed in Comarch mPOS application