Detailed information on events taking place on the POS workstation is recorded in .txt files (logs). The default path to POS workstation log files is C:\Retail\POS2\Logs.
In order to open the log file in the application, click the tool icon and select the button [Open Log File].

11:36:44.8077 INFO DocumentsListView: Focus set on document R/2019/00010/CB_POS2
11:36:45.6856 INFO DocumentsListView: Create correction button was clicked
11:36:47.5977 INFO SalesOrderView: Selected product BLK001BLU38(ordinal number 1)
11:36:47.6157 INFO SalesOrderView: Selected product BLK001BLU38(ordinal number 1)
11:36:47.6157 INFO Document assistant set to 5
11:36:52.2768 INFO Closing view ComboBox2View
11:36:52.3078 INFO Reason of correction selected: Return
11:36:53.3271 INFO DocumentView: Current document state:(Document GUID:363c9dcd-790b-434e-ab76-272673f02833; Document type:Receipt correction; Assistant:5; Header percentage discount:0; Header value discount:0; Customer:Undefined; Customer address:56
11:36:53.3271 INFO Correction: Openning payment view
11:36:54.8282 INFO Payment: Adding payment: Type:Expense; currency:1; value:89,99
11:36:55.3086 INFO Payment for document was confirmed. Payments:(Cash:89,99; )
11:36:55.6926 INFO RQC/2019/00004/CB_POS2 attributes: [] 11:36:55.6926 INFO [NOTIFICATION] Document RQC/2019/00004/CB_POS2 has been confirmed successfully.