Handling of the FEFO method (Enterprise)

The feature is available in cooperation with Comarch ERP Enterprise.

Comarch POS application can now handle front and back office processes using the FEFO (First Expired First Out) method. According to the FEFO method, items with the soonest expiration date are released first.  The method is used in the food industry and in warehouses storing items with assigned expiration dates.

Related changes refer to the following documents:

  • SI and SIQC
  • R and RQC
  • SO and SQ
  • SCL

The FEFO method is used upon sending a document for it to be verified by the POS Agent service; hence, the method is handled in the online mode. It has been introduced to enable points of sale to keep detailed information on the quantities of particular item lots in warehouses. The FEFO method allows updating items with the shortest expiration dates.

Upon handling items according to the FEFO method, two cases are possible:

  • The lot of an entered item does not exist in the database
  • The lot of an entered item exists in the database

Adjustment of shipment processes

If the FEFO method is active, a new button [Show More Details] is displayed in the new package window opened after selecting [Back Office] → [Item Releases] → [Shipment Preparation] → [Based on Internal Order].

New WM- document

Selecting the button [Show More Details] displays a window with the lot details list.

Lot details window

A new lot with a specified expiration date, lot number, and item quantity may be added by selecting the button [Add New Lot].

New lot details window

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