The functionality of profiles allows the user to install several versions of products on a single machine. A profile is a set of configuration settings, allowing the creation of independent working environments.
There are two types of profiles in Comarch ERP Auto Update:
- Main profile – created during the installation of Comarch ERP Auto Update application
- Additional profiles – profiles created by users. Each profile has independent configuration settings, a local database, installation directory, and a directory for downloading add-ons and quick fixes, as well as separate ports for the installation of services.

In the Profiles window in Comarch ERP Auto Update, it is possible to add a new profile, edit an existing one, delete a profile with no products installed, and switch to another profile.
In order to add and configure a new profile, it is necessary to open the tab Configuration and select the [Profiles] button. The Profiles window will open, displaying all defined profiles.
When defining a new profile, it is necessary to specify the following parameters:
- Profile Name
- Profile Code – must be unique
- Setup Directory – a directory where components will be installed for the profile being created. Each profile must have a separate setup directory defined.
- Base Port – a port that, along with the next 99 ports, will be reserved for the profile. It is specified only for master agents. For other agents, the same range of ports will be reserved upon the first connection to the master agent.
Other parameters are copied from the master agent configuration (language, data required to connect to Comarch servers).

In the Select Child Agents section, it is possible to specify whether a given profile is to be available on child agents and what products should be installed on them.