Visibility of buttons or tiles

Some of the tiles and buttons in the application are hidden by default. An operator with relevant permissions may adjust the visibility of such elements.

For instance, the tile [Pending Documents] available in the main menu is hidden by default, but its visibility may be modified. In order to display this button as part of a selected profile, it is necessary to open [Configuration] → [Interface Configuration] → [Layout Management] and select the view Main Menu.

Modification window of Main Menu view

Next, the user needs to drop down Elements.

Elements tab

Then, it is necessary to open the list Container and search a relevant container with tiles or select it in the working area.

Container with main menu tiles

Below the selected container, the application displays hidden tiles.

Hidden main menu buttons

After finding the button [Pending Documents] (UnconfirmedDocuments), it is necessary to drag it to the working area.

Displaying [Pending Documents] tile in main menu
To hide a tile, the user needs to drag it from the working area to the container on the right side of the window. After saving changes for the current or newly created theme, the tile [Pending Documents] becomes available in the main menu.

[Pending Documents] tile in main menu
The visibility of buttons may be modified in the same way as in the case of tiles.

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