Trade document list

In order to open the list of all trade documents issued on a given POS workstation, the user needs to select the [Trade Documents] tile in the main menu.

[Trade Documents] tile
In the main menu, the user can also quickly issue a new R/SI document by selecting the tile [New Document].

Trade document list

The list of trade documents contains the following columns:

  • Number
  • Status – it may be defined as Confirmed, Printed on Receipt Printer, Unconfirmed, Canceled, Paid
  • Customer
  • Total
  • Created On
  • Associated Documents – it presents the numbers of other documents associated with a given document. For instance, a receipt may be associated with a correction document; the correction’s number would be displayed in this column.

Hidden by default:

  • Handled By
  • Secondary Customer
  • Payment Form – it presents a payment form used to settle a given document
  • Columns corresponding to attributes assigned to a given trade document type

The upper part of the window contains the text filter field, enabling the user to search the trade document list by:

  • A document’s system number or a part of it. In the case of documents issued on other workstations, a full number must be given.
  • A part of a customer’s name preceded with the % symbol
  • A UPC code

Depending on the setting of the parameter Method of Searching For Documents available in the configuration of the POS workstation in the ERP system, documents can be searched:

  • Locally in the POS workstation’s database
  • Both locally and in the ERP system

To narrow down search results, the user can apply the following drop-down filters:

  • Value
  • Date of Issue
  • Type – with the following values available: Receipt, Invoice, Advance Invoice, Receipt Correction, Invoice Correction, Advance Invoice Correction, Debit Memo, Tax Free
  • Status

The list of trade documents also contains the following buttons:

  • [Print]
  • [Preview] – it opens the preview window of a selected document
  • [Reprint] – it allows reprinting a trade document on a receipt printer in case of a receipt printer failure
  • [Correction] – it generates a quantity correction of a selected R, SI, or ASI document
  • [Manual Correction] – it adds a manual quantity correction, that is a correction of documents which cannot be accessed on a given POS workstation
  • [Tax Free] – it generates a tax free document from a receipt printed on a receipt printer
  • [Invoice] – it generates a complete invoice from a receipt. If a given receipt has confirmed corrections, the invoice will be generated for all items of the original receipt, while an invoice quantity correction (SIQC) will be generated for the corrected receipt items.
  • [Associated Documents] – it opens a window with the list of all documents associated with a selected document
If the parameter Verify customer’s TIN in the invoice to a receipt is selected in the ERP system and the user saves or confirms a sales invoice generated from a receipt, the application verifies whether a customer’s TIN in the invoice is consistent with a number in the receipt. Saving an invoice generated from a receipt that has no customer’s TIN specified is not possible in such a case.
  • [Confirm Export] – it confirms export in a tax free document

Reprinting a document on a receipt printer

Once the user selects a document and clicks the button [Reprint], the application displays a window containing two options:

  • Mark as printed on receipt printer – it only marks the document as Printed on Receipt Printer in the system, but does not print it on a receipt printer
  • Validate and print – it marks the document as Printed on Receipt Printer and prints it on a receipt printer
Reprinting a document
In order to reprint a document on a receipt printer, the user needs to be granted the permission Marking documents as printed on receipt printer. The permission may be given in the ERP system.

Associated documents

The list of trade documents contains a column Associated Documents. If there are more than three associated documents, a Show More link is displayed that allows the user to open the list of all documents associated with a given document, similarly as the [Associated Documents] button.

Associated Documents window

The list consists of the following columns:

  • Number
  • Status
  • Customer
  • Total
  • Created On
  • Attributes (hidden by default)

The upper part of the window contains the text filter field allowing the user to search through the associated document list on the basis of:

  • Any part of a document’s system number. In the case of documents issued on another workstations, it is necessary to enter the full document number
  • A fragment of a customer name preceded by the % symbol
  • Current document status
  • Date created
  • Total amount

The list of associated documents contains the following buttons:

  • [Print] – it prints a given document
  • [Preview] – it opens the preview of a given document
  • [Refresh] – it refreshes the list without performing synchronization with the ERP system
  • [Close] – it closes the list of associated documents and returns to the trade document list

Document preview

Once the user selects a document and clicks the button [Preview], it is possible to (not in the case of all document types):

  • Print the document
  • Generate a correction
  • Generate an invoice
  • Generate a complaint
  • Open the list of payment details (the button [Payment Details] is hidden by default)
  • Display all coupons used in the document
  • Confirm export in a tax free document
  • Display the document’s digital signature
  • Verify the total quantity of document items
Receipt preview

Payment detail list

The list of payments contains the details of all payment forms used to pay for a given document. The list contains the following columns:

  • ID
  • Number
  • Type (hidden by default)
  • Payment Form
  • Value
  • Payment Amount
  • Exchange Rate
  • Created On
Payment details list

The list may be sorted by the columns Id, Payment Form, and Exchange Rate.

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