List of CD and CW documents

In order to open the list of cash documents (CD/CW), it is necessary to select:

  • [Reports and Payments] → [CD/CW List], or
  • [Reports and Payments] → [POS Summary] → [CD/CW List]

[CD/CW List] tile
The list contains cash documents issued manually on the POS workstation. In the ERP system, it is possible to specify whether cash documents issued outside the POS workstation:

  • Should be available in the application
  • Should affect the POS workstation’s cash register balance
The list does not display cash/bank transactions associated with trade documents, for instance receipts or sales invoices.
List of CD/CW documents

The list contains the following columns:

  • Number
  • Type – its available values include Deposit and Withdrawal
  • Value
  • Date

The upper part of the window contains the text filter field, enabling the user to search through the list on the basis of a document’s system number, by entering any part of the number. In the case of documents issued on other workstations, it is necessary to enter a full number.

It is possible to narrow down search results with the use of the drop-down filters:

  • Type – its available values include Deposit and Withdrawal
  • Value
  • Date

The window Cash Register Documents contains also the following buttons:

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