
[A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F], [G], [H], [I], [K], [L], [M], [N], [O], [P], [R], [S], [T], [U], [V] [W]



  • Advance invoice – document recording a part of a due payment paid out in advance for an incoming item delivery or service in order to guarantee the completion of an agreement. In the application, it is possible to generate an advance invoice (ASI) to a sales order document.
  • Advance payment – part of a due payment paid out in advance for an incoming item delivery or service in order to guarantee the completion of an agreement. In the application, it is possible to generate an advance invoice (ASI) to a sales order document.
  • Anonymization – deletion or encryption of personal data of a given customer or contact person/family member
  • Attributes – additional information about objects


  • Base price – non-editable price of one item unit before the calculation of discounts
  • Base products – associated forms of items which are different from one another in terms of some feature (e.g. size, color). Unlike item features/lots, this functionality enables the user to present separate images, descriptions, and attributes for a given item form.
  • BI Point – application enabling the user to create advanced reports on shop/company operations
  • Bundle promotion – discount as part of which items are sold in specified sets, where the value of a calculated discount in a document depends on the quantity or value of the items being sold
  • Buy-back – purchase of items (also used ones) from a customer by the POS workstation’s operator for a specified price


  • Cash register balance limit – control of a cash register balance for the payment form Cash in the system currency
  • Cash register counting – verification of an actual cash register balance taking into consideration all denominations
  • CD – proof of a deposit confirming the receipt of money in a cash register
  • Column visibility – setting enabling the user to display or hide columns on object lists and document item lists
  • Complaint – document enabling a customer to report a defect or flaw of a purchased item or service
  • Consents – consents related to the processing of personal data that can be given by a customer. They may refer to a specific communication channel (e.g.: phone).
  • Correction – document correcting an erroneous quantity or value (the application only handles quantity corrections)
  • Credit limit – trade credit extended when the supplier of goods/services agrees to postpone a due date. As part of such a relation, customers grant credits to one another without the participation of a bank
  • Customer – client participating in a transaction and purchasing an item or service
  • CW – proof of a withdrawal confirming the release of money from a cash register


  • Data update – synchronization of data between the ERP system and the POS workstation
  • Data synchronization service – service responsible for the synchronization of data between the POS workstation and the ERP system
  • Debit memo – document recording receivables associated with transactions which are not subject to VAT
  • Delivery receipt – document confirming the receipt of items moved between the company’s warehouses
  • Digital signature – verification of a document’s/message’s authenticity
  • Discount – reduction in price of an item or service to encourage purchase
  • Discount coupon – object enabling the granting of a discount associated with it
  • Drawer – a point of sale compartment used to store money


  • End of day – completion of a sales day after cash register counting
  • Entry/exit counters – counters of customers visiting a shop
  • Exchange – process accelerating the return of an item and its exchange to another one. As part of such a process, the seller does not need to create a separate correction document and a new trade document, since they are automatically created by the process.


  • Filters – function enabling the user to narrow down objects/data items displayed on a list to those which fulfil a given condition


  • Global elements – standard elements of the application, such as basic buttons, tiles, radio buttons, tooltips
  • Grand Total reports – reports registering a given period. They enable the verification of the consistency of an archived report with a report in the application.
  • Grid – a regular arrangement of lines corresponding to the location of elements in the interface


  • Header discount – discount granted by the user on the whole document (all document items)
  • Header discount on transaction value – item discount defined in the ERP system granted on all document items once a specified document value is exceeded


  • Images – pictures presenting an item
  • Interface – visual space where interactions between the user and the application occur
  • Item – product or service subject to sales/purchase


  • Keyboard shortcut – key or key combination enabling the user to perform a given action in the application in a more ergonomic way


  • Layout management – functionality enabling the user to modify view settings
  • Loyalty card – card or voucher identifying a customer as a regular customer/loyalty program member
  • LS service – service synchronizing data with entry/exit counters


  • Manual correction – correction of a trade document which is unavailable in the system
  • Message – notification blocking the interface, displayed in case an error occurs or if it is necessary to additionally confirm an action to be performed by the user


  • Notification – message not blocking the interface, displayed on the right-hand side of the window, informing about different types of events


  • Online/offline mode – two working modes available in the application: in the first mode, connection with the service synchronizing data from the ERP system is established; in the second mode, it is not


  • Parking – list of unconfirmed documents
  • Payment terminal – device used to communicate with charge cards upon processing a transaction at a point of sale
  • Payment window – window in which it is possible to take receipt of/release money following a relevant payment form
  • Personalization – customization of the application’s interface to the user’s needs
  • Printout history – history of printouts of an original document and its copies
  • Printout mapping – configuration of default printers for the pdf printouts of particular document types
  • Profile – a theme of the application’s interface dedicated to the user


  • Radio button – graphic element that can be assigned one of the two statuses: selected and deselected, with several options possible. Selecting one of the available options deactivates the remaining ones.
  • Receipt – document confirming a purchase
  • Receipt printer – device recording revenues generated by retail sales for the needs of tax settlements (income tax and VAT)
  • Regular price – editable price of one item unit before the calculation of discounts
  • Related items – items associated with one another, frequently sold together
  • Reservations – item resources prevented from being released by another document (e.g. a trade document)
  • Resources – item quantity
  • Reverse charge – transfer of the liability to pay a tax for a completed transaction from the seller to the customer


  • Sales invoice – trade document containing detailed information on a processed transaction
  • Sales order – document enabling the user to report demand for given, missing products (in a given shop)
  • Sales quote – document confirming a declaration of will, made by a party, to sell an item/service according to specified conditions to another party, which may accept this will
  • Schedule – schedule governing the effective periods of discounts during specific hours, week days, month days, and months
  • Secondary customer – a customer collecting an item or service
  • Set – kit composed of two or more items sold to customers as a single product
  • Sorting – organization of list items by a specified feature/value
  • Start of day – procedure beginning operations with the workstation on a given day; at the start of day, a beginning cash register balance is calculated before it is possible to issue trade documents
  • Summary of the day – presentation of basic information on the current cash register balance, sales summary, and cash flow
  • Synchronization – data update processed between the ERP system and the POS workstation


  • Tax free – document entitling tourists to request a VAT refund
  • Theme – setting of the application’s layout
  • Tile visibility – setting enabling the user to display or hide tiles in windows
  • Tooltip – graphic element displayed after hovering the mouse cursor over an associated element
  • Trade documents – documents recording information on a quantity and value, included in a VAT account, and creating payments
  • Transaction history – list of transactions of a given customer, presenting information on purchased, returned, and ordered items, as well as on customer complaints


  • Unconfirmed documents – documents having the status Unconfirmed, saved within the draft document group integrated with the data synchronization service. Saved documents may be continued later on or on another POS workstation.
  • User discount – discount granted by the user


  • Voucher – document entitling its holder to cashlessly purchase specified items/services within a given period, at a given company, for an amount for which a given voucher has been issued. It may also be used as the identifier of a customer or his/her transactions.


  • Warehouse documents – documents recording information on quantity, registering all warehouse actions related to items
  • Warehouse movement – document recording a movement of items between the company’s warehouses

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