Comarch POS Agent

Basic information

Comarch POS Agent (POS Agent) service provides the current information about stock levels on each point of sale during document registration. All the information is presented taking account of individual warehouses. All processes in a warehouse can be carried out with the Headquarters in the offine mode. Hence, using the service ensures full autonomy of the store by making sure that the stock level is always up-to-date.

When working offline with the Headquarters, a message broker Comarch POS Agent Broker is used to communicate with the POS Agent service. This component aggregates a message broker by sending the updated stock levels to the relevant POS Agent in a given store.

POS Agent service is a place where all information necessary for the point of sale will be stored, such as:

  • parked documents
  • statistics of entry/exit gate counter
  • stock levels with reservations

How it works

The POS Agent service works as an independent service with own database on the same computer on which Comarch POS database is stored or a different one.

Prior to document configuration POS Agent verifies the correctness of stock levels in the following documents:

  • trade documents:
    • receipts (R) as well as their quantity and manual corrections
    • sales invoices (SI) as well as their quantity and manual corrections
    • sales order (SO)
  • warehouse documents:
    • warehouse movements (WM/WM+)
    • internal receipts and releases (IR+/IR-) and their quantity corrections
    • PO receipts and SO releases (POR/SOR) and their manual corrections

Installation and configuration

Comarch POS Agent is installed via the tool Comarch ERP Auto Update.

The installation requires the latest version of Comarch ERP Auto Update 2020.0.

After running Comarch ERP Auto Update application, follow the steps below:

1. In the Configuration tab, add a product Comarch Retail.

Adding Comarch Retail product

2. Add a component Comarch POS Agent to Comarch POS product

Adding Comarch POS Agent component

3. Configure Comarch POS Agent The configuration window is open by selecting the component and then the [Configuration] button. In the opened window, specify the data to connect to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio server on which the POS Agent database will be installed.

Configuration of SQL server connection for POS Agent
  • Server Name – server name and instance on which a database will be installed
  • Database Name – BOSDB_[profile_code] is suggested by default
  • Login Credentials – login and password

Using the [Test Connection] button you can verify connection with the selected server.

4. Finally, save the changes and close the component’s configuration window by selecting the buttons [Save] and [Close] respectively.

Cooperation with Comarch ERP Standard

To configure the POS Agent service in Comarch ERP Standard, follow the steps below:

1. In the menu Configuration → go to Rights Structure under Company Structure.

Configuration tab in Comarch ERP Standard

2. Select the center in which a POS workstation is configured

3. In the POS Agent tab, on the POS Workstation form:

  • complete the Code field
  • add relevant warehouses and save the changes
The warehouse being added must be available in the company structure and cannot be attached to the warehouse list in any center in the POS Agent configuration.
POS Agent configuration
Fields Host, Port, GUID will be completed automatically after the data is provided properly in the POSAgentConfigurator.exe file available in the POS Agent setup folder.

4. Next, open the POS Agent setup folder and run the application POSAgentConfigurator.exe.

5. An error message will be displayed, informing about the uninstalled service.

6. After selecting the button [OK], the configuration tool window will open:

POS Agent Service Configuration Tool

7. In the application, complete the following:

  • POS Agent Service IP Address – IP address of the computer on which POS Agent has been installed
  • POS Agent Service Port – the default port is 8098
  • OMS Server Address – the default address is http://localhost:8099/DataService/
  • POS Agent Code – POS Agent code provided in Comarch ERP Standard
  • POS Agent GUID – automatically assigned value

8. To install the service, select the button [Install]. You can verify the previously provided data with the button [Verify]. To register the POS Agent service, use the button [Register].

9. To verify whether the process has completed successfully, go to the POS Agent tab in Comarch ERP Standard and check whether the values in the fields: Host, Port and GUID have been updated.

In POS application, after the service is installed, you will see the icon: whose color informs about the service connection status:

  • Green – all services are running

  • Yellow – one service is stopped

  • Red – all services are stopped

Each POS and mPOS workstation in the store should connect to only POS Agent when confirming any warehouse document. However, only connection with the Headquarters ensures that the warehouse document contains the correct – available quantity and will correctly be processed.

Moreover, below the icon , there is also the [Service Settings] button that opens the service configuration window of Comarch POS application. The button is also available in the main menu under the [Configuration] tile.

Service configuration window of Comarch POS application

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