Contact persons and family members

In the window Customer/Business Entity Details, on the tab Family Members/Contact Persons (depending on the customer type) or in the window Retail Customer/Business Entity Edition (section hidden by default), it is possible to:

  • Preview the details of a family member/contact person
  • Edit the data (including consents) of a family member/contact person
  • Add a new family member/contact person
Family Members tab in Customer Details window

The addition/modification window displayed for a family member/contact person presents the following fields:

  • Title
  • First Name – required by default
  • Last Name – required by default
  • Type of Relationship – it makes it possible to select one of the options defined in the ERP system (for instance: Father, Mother, Son, Daughter). It applies to a family member.
  • Position Held – it makes it possible to select one of the options defined in the ERP system (for instance: Administrator, Manager, Director, Employee). It applies to a contact person.
  • Date of Birth – it includes the fields: Day, Month (with a drop-down selection list), and It applies to a family member.
  • Phone
  • Additional Phone
If a customer uses an additional phone, it is required to take into account changes to the consents to personal data processing (GDPR).
Add New Family Member window
In the layout management window, it is possible to specify required fields that would need to be filled in while adding a contact person/family member.

In the window Edit Family Member/Contact Person, it is also possible to delete a family member/contact person.

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