Automatic compensation of shortages in the processes of internal movements and resource corrections (Enterprise)

If an internal movement document or a resource correction is created, Comarch POS application verifies if there are no shortages in the system for the same item identified by a different lot. If shortages are detected, the system compensates them, automatically creating appropriate IR- and IR+ documents.

Compensation of shortages in an internal movement process:
1. Two warehouses – W1 and W2 – are available2. In the W2 warehouse, there is a shortage of resources concerning specified P1 item lots

Quantities and shortages of P1 item in W1 and W2 warehouses

3. The user creates an IR+ document for the P1 item from the target warehouse W1 to the source warehouse W2

4. The movement concerns the P1 item with the B_004 lot that has no shortages in the warehouse, with the date 1.05.2022 and the quantity of 8 pieces

5. For the internal movement, Comarch POS creates a WM- document which reduces the stock level of the P1 item with the B_004 lot in the W1 warehouse

6. At the same time, Comarch POS creates WM+ and RDR documents in order to increase the stock level of the P1 item with the B_004 lot in the W2 warehouse

Quantities and shortages of P1 item after moving 8 pieces with B_004 lot

7. If compensation is enabled, Comarch POS automatically generates the following documents to compensate shortages:

  • IR- for 8 pieces of the P1 item with the B_004 lot
  • IR+ for 6 pieces of the P1 item with the B_001 lot and 2 pieces of the P1 item with the B_002 lot

Quantities and shortages of P1 item after compensation

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