
Consents to the processing of personal data (e.g. related to a newsletter) are presented:

Consents can be defined on the ERP system’s side.
Consent’s visibility in Retail Customer Edition window

In the case of new customers being added, consents on both the tabs are deselected by default.

The application makes it possible to:

  • Record the giving or withdrawal of different kinds of consents (e.g. to the processing of personal data or to sending marketing content)
  • Preview the full text of a consent after hovering the mouse over it or selecting the button [consent details]
  • Print a consent form using the button [Print Form]
The possibility to add consents on the POS workstation depends on the permission of a logged-in operator to the object Consent To Personal Data Processing.

When a customer wants to give a consent related to a communication channel, it is also necessary to fill in fields connected with a given channel. For instance, in the case of the communication channel E-mail, the user needs to fill in the field E-mail Address on the customer/contact person/family member form.

Required field E-mail related to communication channel consent E-mail

An XYZ company makes it possible to send e-invoices to its customers, but it only applies to those customers who have an account in the system and who agreed to have the e-invoices sent to their e-mail addresses.

A customer called Daniela Jones has an account in the company’s system and periodically receives e-invoices. She cannot check her mailbox regularly; because of that, her husband goes to an XYZ’s shop and gives a consent to receiving e-invoices on his mailbox. The operator finds Mrs. Jones on the customer list, previews her customer form and opens the tab Family Members. Next, he selects the husband and checks a relevant consent. As a result, the XYZ company will be entitled to send e-invoices to an additional e-mail address.

Consents defined in the ERP system are displayed by default on the POS workstation. However, modifying the consents container in the window Modify View Layout Management (e.g. hiding one of consents) makes newly defined consents from the ERP system no longer visible by default.

Comarch POS supports a parameter informing the user that a customer’s signature confirming the status of consents to the processing of personal data has been registered with the use of an external system. Thanks to that, POS application does not display a notification about a missing required customer signature.

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