Installation of Comarch ERP Auto Update

Before starting the installation and configuration of Comarch POS application, it is necessary to properly install and configure Comarch ERP Auto Update program.

For that purpose, it is necessary to:

1. Download the installer file UpdateAgent_Setup_[version_no]_EN.exe

2. Run the installer

3. Accepts the software terms and conditions of warranty and use

4. Select a setup folder for Comarch ERP Auto Update

5. Start the application

Comarch ERP Auto Update requires .NET Framework installed in version 4.7.2.
The installer file UpdateAgent_Setup_[version_no]_EN.exe is available on the server in the Pub directory in Comarch ERP Auto Update folder, as well as on individual websites dedicated to business partners.

When downloading, it is necessary to select an appropriate version of the installer for:

  • Parent agent – one for the entire installation; it connects to Comarch servers and is responsible for downloading and distribution of software to child agents
  • Child agent – multiple for the entire installation; they connect to the parent agent
A unique Client ID can only be used for a single parent agent.

Running the Auto Update installer opens a window informing the user that it is necessary to install additional components necessary for Comarch ERP Auto Update to work properly.

In the next step, a configuration window appears.

Comarch ERP Auto Update configuration window
  • Agent Code – a client ID
  • Download Folder – a default directory to which updates, quick fixes, and add-ons are downloaded
  • Parent Agent Address – for parent agents, it is; for child agents, it is the address of a machine where the parent agent is installed
  • Parent Agent Port – for parent agents, it is the appropriate Comarch server port – 9466; for child agents, it is by default 11365
  • Backup Copy Folder – a default directory for backup copies
  • Installation Folder – a default directory for application installations
A given client ID may only be used to register a single parent agent on the Comarch server. Attempting to register other agent installations with the same ID will result in a connection error.
In the installer version for a child agent, it is necessary to enter an appropriate code defined in the agent structure in the Agent Code field.


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