Sales quote list

On the POS workstation, it is possible to handle sales orders and quotes. For example, the application enables the user to:

  • Issue SQ/SO
  • Process orders from the ERP system and from Comarch e-Shop
  • Partially or entirely process sales orders
  • Generate sales orders from sales quotes
In order to handle SQ and SO, the user needs to have relevant permissions granted in the ERP system.

[Sales Orders and Quotes] tile
To open the list of sales orders and quotes, it is necessary to select the tile [Sales Orders and Quotes] in the main menu. A SO/SQ document may also be issued directly in the main menu after selecting either [New Order] or [New Quote] (the tiles are hidden by default).

List of sales orders and quotes

The list contains the following columns:

  • Number
  • Status – it may be defined as Confirmed, Pending, Canceled, Closed, Accepted, Rejected, Completed
  • Customer
  • Address
  • Total
  • Date of Issue
  • Expected Date
  • Associated Documents

Hidden by default:

  • Handled By
  • Processing Status – it displays values defined in the ERP system
  • Expiration Date
  • Subtotal
  • Payment Status – it displays values defined in the ERP system
  • Secondary Customer
  • Source – it displays values defined in the ERP system

The upper part of the window contains the text filter field, enabling the user to search SQ and SO documents on the basis of a document number.

Depending on the setting of the parameter Method of Searching For Documents available in the configuration of the POS workstation in the ERP system, documents can be searched:

  • Locally in the POS workstation’s database
  • Both locally and in the ERP system

To narrow down search results, the user can apply the following drop-down filters:

  • Value
  • Subtotal Value
  • Date of Issue
  • Expected Date
  • Source
  • Expiration Date
  • Payment Status
  • Processing Status
  • Type – available values include Sales Quote and Sales Order
  • Status

The list of sales orders and quotes contains the following buttons:

  • [Add] → [Order]/[Quote] – it adds a new SO/SQ document
  • [Print] – it prints a document
  • [Preview] – it opens the preview of a SO/SQ document
  • [Change Status] – it changes a document’s status
  • [Cancel] – it enables the user to cancel a confirmed document from which no other document has been generated (or when the generated document has been canceled)
  • [Reject] – it enables the user to reject a sales quote from which no other document has been generated (or when the generated document has been canceled)
  • [Accept] – it accepts a confirmed sales quote
  • [Generate Order] – it generates a sales order from a confirmed or accepted quote
  • [Associated Documents] – it opens a window with the list of all documents associated with a given document
SQ and SO documents may also be confirmed if the price of an item added in a given document or the total value of an entire document equals 0.


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