On the POS workstation, it is possible to handle complaints. The application supports the following actions:
- Receiving, accepting, rejecting, or closing a complaint
- Verifying a complaint’s status

The list presents the following columns:
- Number
- Customer
- Created On
- Date of Consideration
- Status – available values include Confirmed, Canceled, Closed, Pending, and Completed
- Complaint Status – available values include Accepted, Completed, Canceled, To Consider, Rejected
The upper part of the window contains the text filter field, enabling the user to search through the complaint list on the basis of a document’s system number.
The list of search results may also be narrowed down with the use of the drop-down filters:
- Status
- Complaint Status
- Date
On the complaint list, it is possible to perform the following actions:
- Add a new SCL document with the button [Add]
- Print a given SCL document with the button [Print]
- Display the preview of a given SCL document
- Close a given SCL document with the status Accepted or Rejected