The window Customer/Business Entity Details, on the tab Coupons, presents active and effective discount coupons of a given customer.
The user can define discount coupons and generate codes on the ERP system’s side.

The option View all coupons allows the user to open the full list of a customer’s coupons.

The option View all coupons is only available in the online mode.
The list presents the following columns:
- Name
- Promotion – it corresponds to the value of an associated discount or the value of the field Label (defined on the ERP system’s side)
- Valid From
- Valid To
- Code
- Status – it may be set as Active, Inactive, Used, Blocked, or Expired
- Associated Documents (hidden by default) – it presents the number of a document in which a given discount coupon code has been used
The list may be filtered by a coupon’s validity date or status. By default, it presents coupons with the status Active, sorted in an ascending order by validity date.
The text filter field makes it possible to search an item on the basis of its:
- Name
- Code
On both the coupon list and the tab Coupons in the window Customer/Business Entity Details, the operator can preview coupon details.