Selecting the button [Preview] on the customer list opens the window Customer/Business Entity Details.

The window is divided into areas:
- Basic Customer Details – it presents basic information on a customer, such as: a customer type icon (retail customer/business entity), name, main address. In this area, the operator may open the window Retail Customer/Business Entity Edition.
- Addresses – the tab presents defined customer addresses and makes it possible to verify (and edit) the details of each address. In this area, also, the operator may add another customer address.
- Attributes – the tab presents customer attributes
- Description – the tab presents information on the customer entered in the ERP system. Data on this tab is displayed in the read-only mode and is non-editable.
- Groups – the tab presents assigned groups defined in the ERP system. Assigning a customer to an appropriate group makes it possible to grant that customer special discounts/bonuses.
The Groups tab is only available in cooperation with Comarch ERP Enterprise.
- Credit Limit/Card Details – the first tab presents the remaining amount of a customer’s credit limit. The second tab displays information on a loyalty card available to that customer and makes it possible to block the card or associate one with the customer.
- Coupons/Statistics/Contact Persons/Family Members – the first tab displays a customer’s active and effective discount coupons, and makes it possible to open the full coupon list. The second tab presents basic customer statistics. The remaining two tabs display the customer’s contact persons/family members.
If the POS workstation has no permissions defined in the ERP system to modify a given customer (regardless of granted operator permissions), an attempt to edit that customer will display the message: “Insufficient permissions to edit customer [Customer name]”.