Detailed information on events taking place on the POS workstation is recorded in .txt files (logs). The default path to POS workstation log files is C:\Retail\POS2\Logs.
In order to open the log file in the application, click the tool icon and select the button [Open Log File].

11:36:44.8077 INFO DocumentsListView: Focus set on document R/2019/00010/CB_POS2
11:36:45.6856 INFO DocumentsListView: Create correction button was clicked
11:36:47.5977 INFO SalesOrderView: Selected product BLK001BLU38(ordinal number 1)
11:36:47.6157 INFO SalesOrderView: Selected product BLK001BLU38(ordinal number 1)
11:36:47.6157 INFO Document assistant set to 5
11:36:52.2768 INFO Closing view ComboBox2View
11:36:52.3078 INFO Reason of correction selected: Return
11:36:53.3271 INFO DocumentView: Current document state:(Document GUID:363c9dcd-790b-434e-ab76-272673f02833; Document type:Receipt correction; Assistant:5; Header percentage discount:0; Header value discount:0; Customer:Undefined; Customer address:56
11:36:53.3271 INFO Correction: Openning payment view
11:36:54.8282 INFO Payment: Adding payment: Type:Expense; currency:1; value:89,99
11:36:55.3086 INFO Payment for document was confirmed. Payments:(Cash:89,99; )
11:36:55.6926 INFO RQC/2019/00004/CB_POS2 attributes: [] 11:36:55.6926 INFO [NOTIFICATION] Document RQC/2019/00004/CB_POS2 has been confirmed successfully.
Automatic deletion of synchronization logs from the database (Comarch ERP Enterprise)
Due to limited disk memory, it is possible to automate the deletion of old log files imported from the Synchronization.PackagesProcessingLogs table.
The application Customizing → Multi-channel sales → Comarch Retail POS contains a field Packages processing logs storage period in days. The field needs to be filled in with a relevant value:
- 0 – it means that log files will not be saved
- 1 to n – the database will retain log files from the last x days
- Empty value – log files will not be deleted