General information
Set is a collection of two or more items sold to customers as one product.
Items of the Set type are available in trade and warehouse documents. Because of different ways in which sets can be handled, two types of sets can be differentiated – they either have the parameter Retrieve elements onto document selected or deselected.
Sets retrieving elements onto documents
An item of the Set type with the parameter Retrieve elements onto document selected is presented in documents in a grouped way.

Depending on a set’s definition, the modification of a set element’s quantity on the POS workstation may be:
- Blocked – in this case, if the user attempts to change an element’s quantity or unit of measure, the application will display the notification “Cannot edit the set’s elements”. In turn, an attempt to delete a set element will display the question: “This item is an element of a set. Deleting one element of the set will delete all its elements. Do you want to continue?”, with available options Yes and No.
- Enabled – in this case, changing quantity will decompose the set
Set elements retrieved onto a document has no determined lot. The user may select or modify it with the use of the button [Select Properties].
On the item list, rows presenting sets do not contain information on their price, VAT rate, quantity, or currency.

Sets not retrieving elements onto documents
An item of the Set type with the parameter Retrieve elements onto document deselected is presented in a document as a single document item of the Merchandise type.

On the item list, rows presenting sets with the parameter deselected do not contain information on their quantity.

Sets and discounts
If the operator decomposes a set which does not retrieve elements onto documents by changing the number of the set’s elements, and if the option of automatic calculation of promotions is enabled, the set’s elements may become part of a fixed promotion bundle. In turn, a header discount can be granted either on the elements of a set which retrieves them onto documents or on the entire set which does not retrieve elements.