Many application windows contain the field Handled By. If the option automatically suggesting a person responsible for a transaction is activated, the field presents the full name of an employee assigned to the account of the currently logged-in operator by default. If the relevant option is not activated, the field presents the ellipsis symbol, allowing the user to select an employee from a list.
Selecting the Handled By field, it is possible to change an employee handling a given transaction in the application, e.g. an employee issuing a document or closing the day.

There are two ways to set/change the responsible person:
- Employee form and list – select an employee from the list of available employees or enter/scan the number of an associated card and confirm the selection with [Enter]

- Employee form only – enter/scan the number of an associated card and confirm the selection with [Enter]

Another employee, Julia Mitchell comes to the counter with a client to whom she recommended a specific radio. John scans the item with a reader and selects the relevant option to change the handling person. Julia scans her employee card. Once she does that, the Handled By field displays her full name. Such information may later be used in a sales report and may affect an employee’s performance appraisal.