In the window Customer/Business Entity Details, the operator may use the button [Transaction History] to open the history of a given customer’s transactions.

The list presents information on purchased, returned, ordered, and defective items:
- Item – it presents item name and information on features, attributes, and UPC codes
- Document Number – it presents the number of a document containing a given item and the number of a source document from which a given item originates. For instance, the field may present the number of a receipt and of an invoice generated from it.
- Created On
- Status – it may display one of the following options: Sold, Returned, Claimed, Ordered, Awaiting Pickup
- Quantity – it presents the quantity of a given item in a specific document
- Regular Price – it is the total price of a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
- Discount – it is the total discount value displayed for a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
- Final Price – it is the total value of a single piece (regardless of the value in the column Quantity)
The text filter field enables searching an item by:
- Name
- UPC code
- Item code
- Document number
- Feature
- Attribute
- Document barcode
It is also possible to narrow the list down using the following filters:
- Status – it accepts the following values:
- Awaiting Pickup
- Claimed
- Ordered
- Returned
- Sold
- Final Price
- Created On
- Document Value
- Values of available features and attributes, e.g. Size, Trade number
Transaction history includes items added to confirmed documents of the following types:
- Receipts
- Sales invoices
- Orders (except for ones which are completed or closed)
- Corrections
- Complaints
On the list, it is possible to:
- Preview a document associated with each list item using the button [Preview]
- Generate a complaint or correction for items with the status Sold
- Generate a correction for items with the status Claimed (as long as a given SCL document is associated with R/SI)
- Generate a document for an item with the status Awaiting Pickup which originates from a sales order available within a given center (in the same way as in the case of a similar button available on the sales order list)