Making a printout on the POS workstation

By default, printouts are made after confirming/saving a document. However, it is not so in the case of receipt printouts (where, by default, printouts are made on a receipt printer instead of a regular printer).

A document can be printed once again in the list of documents or in the document preview window.

The user can make printouts in the following locations of the POS workstation:

  • List of trade documents – the user can print receipt, sales invoice, receipt quantity correction, and invoice quantity correction documents
  • Document preview opened in the list of trade documents – the user can print a currently previewed document: a receipt, sales invoice, receipt quantity correction, or invoice quantity correction.
  • Trade document confirmation window. Depending on whether Comarch POS has been configured for the Polish market (for instance, in Germany and France fiscal printers are not used), the following action will be completed:
    • Polish environment: a confirmed receipt or invoice is printed out using a fiscal printer (in the case of receipts) or regular printer (in the case of invoices)
    • Other environments: a confirmed receipt or invoice is printed out using a regular printer
  • Complaint document confirmation window. Additionally, a complaint document may be printed in the complaint list window or in the document preview window.
  • End of day. The printout is made after confirming the end of day.
  • Day summary if a day that has already been closed is selected
  • CD/CW document confirmation window. Additionally, the printout may be made in the document preview window.
  • Confirmation window displayed upon the modification of a WM- document. Additionally, the printout may be made in the document preview window.
  • Item receipt from a WM- document. Additionally, the printout may be made in the document preview window.

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