Bundle promotions

What is a bundle promotion?

Bundle promotions make it possible to sell items as specified collections, with the value of a discount granted in a document dependent on the quantity or value of items to be sold. As part of a bundle promotion, the user can also grant freebies or calculate a discount on the cheapest/most expensive item of a given collection.

There are two promotion types available in the application:

  • Fixed bundle – in order to get a relevant discount, a customer needs to purchase all items specified in the definition of a given promotion
  • Flexible bundle – in order to get a relevant discount, a customer may purchase any items specified in the definition of a given promotion, but the discount will only be calculated after reaching a quantity- or value-based threshold defined for a document item
Bundle promotions may be defined on the ERP system’s side.

The following parameters related to bundle promotions may be adjusted in the ERP system:

  • Define Sort of Discount – it includes the following options:
    • In discount header
    • On item/freebie form
  • Calculate Discount On – it is available after setting the Define Sort of Discount parameter as In discount header; it includes the following options:
    • Basic Items
    • Additional Items/Freebies
  • Distribute Discount To Bundle Items – it includes the following options:
    • None – a discount will be calculated as part of a bundle promotion
    • Proportionally – a general discount will be calculated for an entire bundle and it will be distributed to separate document items, proportionally to their share in the bundle
A PROM12 bundle promotion has been defined in the ERP system:

  • Fixed bundle
  • Promotion name: PROM12
  • Currency: EUR
  • Define Sort of Discount: In discount header
  • Distributed to bundle items: Total discount price: 400 EUR
  • Calculate Discount On: Basic Items
  • Discounted items: 1x Jacket, 2x Trousers

In the ERP system, there are also the following items:

  • Trousers – total price 285.95 EUR
  • Jacket – total price 99.99 EUR
  • Bag – total price 49.99 EUR

A receipt issued in the ERP system presents the following discount:

PromotionItemQuantityRegular PriceRegular ValueDiscountDiscounted Value

  • Method Combining Discounts – it includes the following options:
    • Add
    • Multiply
  • Include header discounts – it makes it possible to grant header discount on bundle elements and header discounts on transaction value

In the ERP system, it is possible to specify a calculation method for bundle promotions to be used in R, SI, SQ, and SO documents:

  • Automatically when adding items – it verifies granted bundle promotions after adding each document item
  • Manually – it verifies granted bundle promotions only after the user selects the button [Calculate Promotions]
  • No handling of bundle promotions
[Calculate Promotions] button

Presentation of bundle promotions in documents

If a given document item is related to a bundle promotion, the application displays a clover icon next to it. The icon may have one of the two statuses:

  • Inactive (grayed-out icon) – a bundle promotion has not been granted on a given document item
  • Active (dark-green icon) – a bundle promotion has been granted on a given document item
Grayed-out clover icon displayed for SO document item

Hovering the mouse pointer over an inactive clover icon displays the list of all bundle promotions that may be granted on a given document item. In turn, hovering the pointer over an active icon displays the name of a promotion which has been granted.

List presenting bundle promotions calculated for a given document item

Upon an attempt to delete or change the quantity of an item on which a bundle promotion has been calculated, the application displays the notification: “Modification will delete the bundle promotion. Would you like to continue?”, with the available options:

  • Yes – it confirms the change to be made and recalculates document items
  • No – it rejects the change to be made

Calculating a bundle promotion on document items:

  • Blocks the possibility to grant any other discount except for header discounts and header discounts on transaction value
  • Is not possible for zero-price items
  • Allows granting a header discount on the document items covered by the promotion (depending on configuration)
The functionality allowing the user to grant a header discount on additional items/freebies belonging to a bundle promotion is not available in cooperation with Comarch ERP Standard.
The following bundle promotion has been added in the ERP system:

  • TypeFixed bundle
  • Name Buy two, get the third half price
  • Item groups Bags
  • Customer Undefined
  • 50% discount on the cheapest bag
  • Quantity threshold – 3

The option of automatic calculation of bundle promotions is active. On the POS workstation, the operator issues a new receipt and adds the following items:

  • Envelope purse white for 60 EUR (it belongs to the item group Bags)
  • Envelope purse black for 75 EUR (it belongs to the item group Bags)
  • Bag with chain strap for 50 EUR (it belongs to the item group Bags)

The application automatically grants a 50% discount on the item Bag with chain strap.

Manual calculation

The option of manual calculation of bundle promotions may be configured on the ERP system’s side.

To manually grant a bundle promotion, the user needs to select the button [Calculate Promotions]. In turn, after clicking the button [Promotions], the following options are available:

  • [Calculate Promotions] – it recalculates bundle promotions
  • [Delete Promotions] – it deletes bundle promotions from a document

[Promotions] button in SO document
The button [Promotions] is only available if a bundle promotion has already been granted in a document.

Correction of bundle promotion elements

It is possible to adjust the method of correcting bundle promotion elements in correction documents (SIQC and RQC):

  • Don’t control – bundle promotion elements can be corrected
  • Warn (set by default) – upon an attempt to correct a bundle promotion element, the application displays a notification asking the user to confirm the operation
  • Block – it makes it impossible to correct bundle promotion elements; if this option is selected, customers can only return entire bundles

Document generation

While generating documents (SQ → SO or SO → R/SI):

  • The application transfers information on bundle promotions
  • It is not possible to manually increase the quantity of a generated document’s items which are part of a bundle promotion
  • It is not possible to grant a user discount on a generated document’s items which are part of a bundle promotion

While generating an SQ document from a sales order, it is possible to manually increase the quantity of items belonging to a bundle promotion, although such a modification will delete the bundle promotion: “The item is included in a bundle promotion. Modification will delete the bundle promotion. Would you like to continue?

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