Color schemes and font

The interface of POS application is designed in such as way as to ensure coherent layout of all the views and manageability. For this purpose, color names have been defined to be able to use them while creating and/or modifying the view.

The defined color names can be divided into two groups: colors manageable in POS interface directly by the user as well as indirectly manageable colors, which cannot be changed by the user, they are set automatically based on the directly manageable colors.

Directly manageable colors

  • ThemeColor – standard theme color (primary color) used as:
    • text color in primary and modal views
    • background color in message view
    • button background color in message view
    • background color of the [Search/Add] button on the list of, for instance, trade documents, receipts, items
    • background color of selected line item in ComboBox development object
    • notification background
    • color of selected/checked radio button and check box
  • ThemeBackground – standard theme color used as:
    • background color of primary and modal view
    • color of text and vector icons of buttons (except for the side menu)
    • color of text and vector icons in message view
    • color of button text and border in message view
    • text color of the [Search/Add] button
    • color of notification text and vector icon
    • text color of selected/checked radio button and check box

Indirectly manageable colors

  • ThemeColor2 – standard color (ThemeColor) with a transparency of 85% used as:
    • list header color (DataGrid)
  • ThemeColor3 – standard color (ThemeColor) with a transparency of 25% used as:
    • color of selected line item on the list
  • ThemeColor4 – standard color (ThemeColor) with a transparency of 65% used as:
    • color of record selected on the list when you hover your mouse over it,
    • color of button border, which only has a vector icon (HeaderButton), when you hover your mouse over it,
    • color of selected item in the side menu when you hover your mouse over it
  • HintColor – hint color for TextBox component
  • Background – fixed color with a specified transparency – #1ADFE5E5, used as:
    • background color of a list

Colors used in the application code

In any xaml code snippet, colors are used via the DynamicResource command, for example:

<TextBox Foreground="{DynamicResource ThemeColor}" />

In most cases, the above example is pointless, due to the predefined settings, owing to which no such additional configuration is required for the Foreground property.

Font family

A font family has also been defined for the entire application and is manageable in the POS interface. It does not need to be additionally set for most development objects. An exception may be, for example, the definition of list columns, where it is important to set the typeface as follows:

<DataGridTextColumn FontFamily="{DynamicResource FontFamily}" />

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