
POS application has been designed with the use of Windows Presentation Foundation technology. The program framework can be divided into several sections. The basic section is body – this is the main work pane of the application, where content is presented in the form of views. The second section is heading that is inseparably linked with the body (views) and is a sort of a title to the content presented in the body. There is also the status section with quick access buttons (such as [Close] and [Minimize]) and the name of a currently logged-in user.

There are three types of views that are displayed in the body sections:

  • primary view
  • modal view – this view is displayed in the primary view. It obscures the primary view and blocks user interaction in the primary view. The logic, however, is not blocked. When closed, you return to the primary view.
  • message view – this view is displayed in the primary or modal view. It obscures the background views and blocks user interaction in those views. The logic, however, is not blocked. Its view is stretched across the full screen width and its background color matches the font color of the primary view. Typical use cases: error message, application-close question, etc.

Each of them is created in the same way (see How to create views). The way in which a view is presented depends on how it is opened (for more information, refer to How to navigate between views).

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