New functionalities in version 2023.5 – QF of 29 September 2023

For proper operation of Comarch POS application version 2023.5 with Comarch ERP Standard system version 2024.0.1, installation of the QF2023500.20230929.01 quick fix for Comarch POS and the QF2023500.20230929.02 quick fix for Comarch POS Agent is required.
For proper operation of Comarch mPOS application version 2023.5 with Comarch ERP Standard system version 2024.0.1, installation of the QF2023500.20230929.03 quick fix for Comarch mPOS and the QF2023500.20230929.02 quick fix for Comarch POS Agent is required.

Reason for manual discount (Comarch ERP Standard)

To meet client requirements, the application now allows entering a reason for granting a user discount in trade documents issued in Comarch POS. Reasons for granting a discount on items or on the entire document header can be defined in the ERP system.

To require specifying a reason for discount calculation in Comarch POS, activate the new parameter Require a reason for manual discount calculation in Comarch ERP Standard (by default, it is deactivated). The parameter is available in the center definition, on the POS Workstations tab.
New window with reasons for discount defined in ERP system

On your Comarch POS workstation, you can:

  • Enter a reason for discount on particular document items
  • Enter a reason for discount on the entire document header
New sections with discount reasons in trade document
Specific reasons for discount calculation can be defined in Comarch ERP Standard’s generic directories, in the TransactionsReasons for Granting POS Manual Discount group.

Maximum percentage of item discounts (Comarch ERP Standard)

The ability to set the maximum discount on an item aims to prevent selling items below a price that considers the minimum markup set by the business strategy or country legislation (for instance, in the case of food products).

To enable the feature of the maximum percentage of item discounts calculated in Comarch POS, activate the new parameter Control maximum % discount on item with user discounts on POS in Comarch ERP Standard. The parameter is available in the center definition, on the POS Workstations tab.

In addition, it is now possible to specify the maximum percentage discount to be given in Comarch POS for all items in the price list.

To determine specific discount percentage for all items from the available price list in Comarch POS, activate the parameter Set maximum % discount in POS for selected items on the price list form in Comarch ERP Standard. When the parameter is activated, it is possible to specify the maximum percentage discount value in Comarch POS for the items indicated in the price list.

Modify a bundle item price (Comarch ERP Standard)

It is now possible to modify a bundle item price in Comarch POS.

To enable the modification of a bundle item price in Comarch POS, activate the new parameter Modify bundle item price in POS in Comarch ERP Standard.  The parameter is available on the fixed bundle form.

Bundle promotions with sets (Comarch ERP Standard)

In Comarch POS, you can now use defined bundle promotions with sets configured in Comarch ERP Standard.

In Comarch ERP Standard, activate the parameter Allow the addition of set to bundle discounts on POS that is available for items of the Set type with the Retrieve elements onto document not selected. The parameter is available on the item form.

Generate IR- documents for packagings (Comarch ERP Standard)

In response to the expectations of our Clients, it is now possible to release free packagings when issuing a trade document (R/SI).

In Comarch ERP Standard, activate the parameter Show pack (freebie) selection window on R/SI confirmation. The parameter is available in the center definition, on the POS Workstations tab.

A new notification will be displayed when a receipt or sales invoice is generated in Comarch POS.

Notification displayed after activating Show pack (freebie) selection window on R/SI confirmation parameter in center configuration

Additionally, Comarch POS asks the user whether a packaging has been provided to the customer. If so, the list of available free packagings is displayed. Selecting one of them adds it to the trade document with a 0 price and creates an associated IR- document for it.

A new button [IR- for Packaging] is available on the document list for the following documents:

  • Receipts generated in the ERP system and on the POS workstation
  • Sales invoices generated in the ERP system and on the POS workstation, unassociated with a receipt

New button [IR- for Packaging]
Selecting the [IR- for Packaging] button displays the internal release document form with the reason for correction specified as Release of Free Pack and containing the item added as a packaging to the trade document.

IR- document created for free packaging

Inventory (Comarch ERP Standard)

In Comarch POS application integrated with Comarch ERP Standard, it is now possible to carry out an inventory count, i.e. to count items in stock in order to verify potential discrepancies between the actual stock levels confirmed during the count and levels recorded in warehouse data.

The window available after selecting [Back Office] → [Inventory] displays the list of inventory counts.

In Comarch ERP Standard, activate the parameter Handle inventory count in POS. The parameter is available in the header of the center form and allows selecting the value Available.

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