Comarch POS

List of ERP systems cooperating with Comarch POS 2024.0

ERP systemVersion
Comarch ERP Standard2024.1
Comarch ERP Enterprise6.3
Comarch ERP XL2024.0

Rounding of cash payments for the Czech market (Comarch ERP Standard)

In response to the requirements of clients operating in the Czech market, Comarch POS now allows rounding cash payments made in the currency of that country. In the Czech Republic, the official currency is the Czech koruna (CZK), denoted by the symbol Kč, where 1 CZK is 100 haleru. The denominations of 10, 20 and 50 haleru coins were withdrawn from use as of September 1, 2008. As a result of these changes, total cash payments for the sale of goods and services must be rounded to the nearest whole Czech koruna. According to the requirements, if the amount to be paid in cash has a fraction of ≥50 haleru, it should be rounded up. In turn, if it has a fraction of <50 haleru, it should be rounded down. In the case of different currencies and payment forms other than cash, payments are made according to an amount displayed in the payment document, with no rounding.

Cash payment rounding is supported for the following document types:

  • Receipt
  • Invoice
  • Advance sales invoice
  • Receipt correction
  • Invoice correction
  • Advance sales invoice correction
  • Cash deposit
  • Cash withdrawal
The amount due calculated in a trade document is 75.96 CZK. Selecting the Cash payment form automatically rounds up the document value to 76.00 CZK. Additionally, an arrow symbol appears next to the Change field in the bottom right corner of the payment window, indicating the rounding direction.

Payment window with 75.96 CZK amount

Rounding of cash payment in Czech currency

The amount of 36.65 CZK is entered with the payment form Cash in a new CD document. The application rounds the amount up – to 37.00 CZK – and displays the notification: “The entered amount has been rounded. Select the Confirm button again to continue.

Rounding of cash payment in Czech currency in CD document

Task list (Comarch ERP Standard, Enterprise)

Task list (Comarch ERP Standard)

In accordance with market requirements, the feature of the task list is now available in Comarch POS cooperating with Comarch ERP Standard. The feature is directed to companies that want to send task reminders for users working on POS workstations. In addition, operators can now confirm that they have read a message received by them in Comarch POS.

To enable this feature on your Comarch POS workstation, activate the parameter Handle POS messages in Comarch ERP Standard. The parameter is available in the POS center definition, on the POS Workstations tab.
Messages to be displayed on a POS workstation should be defined in Comarch ERP Standard on the Subsidiaries POS Messages tab.
Task list feature

Once a new message appears in Comarch POS, an icon is displayed next to the clock, indicating the number of new notifications. Until the task list is opened, the icon’s color is navy blue. When the list is opened, the icon turns white, leaving the number of tasks displayed at all times. The icon’s color indicates if a new message has been sent to the workstation’s operator.

Messages on the task list are sorted according to their effective periods determined in the ERP system. Additionally, if a high priority has been assigned in the system, an exclamation mark is displayed next to the given message. The Messages section is divided into unread and read messages.

Task list, Messages section

The [View Details >>] button allows displaying message details. The new message details window contains the following buttons:

  • [Print] – it prints the message using a new printout definition
  • [Confirm to have read] – it confirms that the operator has read the message. The button is available until the first confirmation of reading the message.
  • [Close] – it closes the message details window
Message received from ERP system

Changes to the task list (Comarch ERP Standard, Enterprise)

The task list feature has been developed to support new document types that can be presented in Comarch POS:

  • Shipments – documents waiting to be processed by the headquarters, such as end-of-season returns to the central warehouse
  • Inventory counts – generated or open inventory documents
  • Receipts – documents waiting to be received

Sales order releases (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

To meet client expectations, Comarch POS now makes it possible to generate sales order release (SOR/SO release) documents. Sales order releases are warehouse documents issued to confirm that an item has been released (to a customer). Confirming a release document reduces stock levels and values in the warehouse.

In Comarch ERP Enterprise, activate the parameter Enable External Releases. The parameter is available in the application Comarch Retail POS terminals General tab → Document processing section.

A new tile [SO Releases] has been added in the Back Office menu. The tile opens the list of SOR documents generated on the Comarch POS workstation.

New tile [SO Releases]
The list of SOR documents contains the following buttons:

  • [Refresh] – it refreshes the list of SOR documents
  • [Add] – it adds a new SOR document
  • [Preview] – it opens the preview of an issued SOR document
List of SOR documents
In order to generate a sales order release, first activate the appropriate operator right in the application Comarch Retail POS operator rights on the Backoffice tab.
New sales order release form

The form of a new SOR document allows confirming the document or parking it to complete it later.

Handling of various payment forms per document (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

Until now, the payment window of each document contained all payment forms assigned to the Comarch POS workstation (except for cases with enabled credit limit support). The window has been customizable, but it has been shared by all document types, making it impossible to change the visibility of payment forms per document type. To resolve this, it is now possible to configure payment forms per document in the ERP system and synchronize such settings on the Comarch POS workstation. This solution is aimed, for example, at companies/stores that only issue vouchers as refunds (corrections).

Payment forms can be configured for the following document types:

  • Invoice
  • Receipt
  • Correction/Refund
  • Manual correction

Copying sales quotes (Comarch ERP Standard, Enterprise)

The ability to copy a document has been introduced to streamline the process of issuing sales quotes. Copying sales quotes is especially useful when a given document has already been confirmed or has expired but a customer decides to renegotiate the quote. A new copying button is available for all sales quotes, regardless of their status.

[Copy Document] button
In Comarch ERP Enterprise, it is possible to adjust the parameter Use initial prices for sales quotation copies. The parameter validates prices in sales quotes generated as copies of other documents. Disabling the parameter sets prices in the newly copied document according to the current price list; prices from the original sales quote are not copied in this case.

The parameter Use initial prices for sales quotation copies is available in the application Sales channels Comarch Retail POS tab → General section.

Changes to credit limit (Comarch ERP Standard)

As a result of the latest changes to the credit limit feature in Comarch ERP Standard, it is now possible to set a credit limit and accept it when it is exceeded by selected operator groups on the POS workstation.

To be able to accept an exceeded credit limit, enable the parameter Acceptance of exceeded credit limit, available in Comarch ERP Standard → Company Structure Operator Group POS Permissions tab.

The ERP system checks whether a permitted credit limit has been exceeded by calculating the number of days overdue. Simultaneously, the system verifies if a given customer is late with payments for more than the allowed number of days set in their configuration. This limit will be reduced to zero or other value defined in the ERP system.

In Comarch POS, the maximum amount of a credit limit will be updated according to the value set as part of such conditions. If the given customer is selected in Comarch POS, the application displays an appropriate notification indicating that the credit limit amount has been reduced due to the late payment. In addition, the credit limit section displays information about exceeding the permitted payment overdue period. By displaying the information on the reduced credit limit, the feature allows informing the customer about the late payment.

The customer addition window now contains a new parameter: Availability of payment forms without deposit. Activating this parameter on the new customer form sets the customer’s credit limit as open.

Family member/contact person in documents (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

Up until now, it has been possible to add a contact person for each customer type. Such information could be useful when a customer needed to be contacted, for example, about an issued document or its status. This feature has been extended to allow adding a family member/contact person to a sales document and creating a relationship between the document and a specific person. A contact person can be added to the following document types:

  • Receipt
  • Sales invoice
  • Sales order
  • Sales quote
  • Advance sales invoice
  • Correction
  • Sales order release
  • Complaint

After the customer tile is selected in one of such documents, the application now displays a newly added button [Change Family Member]/[Change Contact Person], depending on the customer type.

[Change Family Member] button
Selecting the new button opens the list of selectable family members/contact persons. Here, it is also possible to add a new contact person. If the system cannot find a contact person for a given customer, an appropriate message is displayed after selecting the [Change Family Member] or [Change Contact Person] button, along with an option to add a new contact.

Available family members

Once a contact person is selected, they are displayed on the customer tile.

Customer tile with family member information

Changes to OPOS printouts (Comarch ERP Standard, Enterprise, XL)

It is now possible to create an OPOS printout preview and save it to a file (without the need for a physical printer).

Shift work and the safe (Comarch ERP Enterprise)

Handling of shift work and the support of safes without connection to Comarch ERP Enterprise and Comarch POS Agent have been improved. Comarch POS application now sends more data to Comarch ERP Enterprise so that it is possible to recover changes and records in the safe after a Comarch POS Agent failure.

Inventory (Comarch ERP XL)

The inventory process involves counting items in stock in order to verify potential discrepancies between the actual stock levels confirmed during the count and levels recorded in warehouse data. To access the inventory feature from the main menu, select the [Back Office] → [Inventory] tiles.

To enable the inventory feature, first activate an appropriate parameter in Comarch ERP XL. The parameter is available in Comarch POS branch configuration → Parameters tab.

Comarch POS now supports carrying out an inventory by entering readouts (physical inventory). You can add a relevant inventory document in Comarch ERP XL. Next, generate accompanying inventory sheets to be uploaded to Comarch POS workstations. On the side of the POS workstations, you can generate readouts which will be transferred to the ERP system after the sheets are closed in Comarch POS. The entire inventory can be confirmed in Comarch ERP XL; the system also allows creating inventory corrections.

[Inventory] tile

Sending information on application version to Comarch (Comarch ERP Standard, Enterprise, XL)

It is now possible to collect information about the version of desktop software installed for clients and partners. A web service integration has been made so that each program run would send a request with data about the encoded key number, system name, and version. The collected information will be used to update the data on client environments and made further available in iZam application so that partners would also have access to the version of the system used by a given client.

Simultaneous receipt of several purchase orders (Comarch ERP Standard)

To optimize your work with Comarch POS, you can now take receipt of several parcels delivered to the shop at once. Thanks to this, you do not need to search for each purchase order document separately anymore. On the Comarch POS workstation, you can:

  • Select several purchase orders using the new button [Receive Multiple Purchase Orders] on the list of delivery receipts
In Comarch ERP Standard, enable the parameter Allow acceptance of multiple purchase orders simultaneously to activate this feature in Comarch POS. The parameter is available in the POS center definition, on the POS Workstations tab.
  • Run the receipt process for the selected purchase orders – once you select the [Receive Multiple Purchase Orders] button, the application displays the list of purchase orders where you can choose appropriate documents to generate the PO receipt document from

To generate a single PO receipt associated with selected purchase orders, make sure the following properties are the same for those documents:

  • Customer information
  • Vendor information
  • Target warehouse
  • Transaction type
  • VAT direction and aggregation method

As the [Take Receipt] button is selected, the application opens a PO receipt window with all the items of the selected PO documents.

Confirming the document issues a single PO receipt, with the Purchase Order field presenting all PO documents from which the receipt has been generated.

If the required properties of the purchase order documents, i.e. customer/vendor details, warehouse data, and transaction type, are not the same, several PO receipt documents will be generated. To generate the documents, the parameter Allow acceptance of purchase orders with different parameters must be selected in Comarch ERP Standard.

In Comarch ERP Standard, the parameter Allow acceptance of purchase orders with different parameters is available in the definition of the POS center on the POS Workstations tab after activating the parameter Allow acceptance of multiple purchase order simultaneously. Enabling this feature allows the simultaneous receipt of purchase orders with different properties and creating more than one PO receipt document.

For instance, if you select the [Receive Multiple Purchase Orders] and choose PO documents with different vendors, they will be received simultaneously but two PO receipt documents will be created.

When you select appropriate PO documents and click the [Take Receipt] button, the application displays an appropriate message indicating that the documents you selected have different properties.

The list of delivery receipt documents will present the newly created PO receipt documents; in the Associated Documents column, they will store information on all PO documents that have been selected to generate them.

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